Class skills - Eva's Templar High Five

Level 76

Name SP
icon skill0328 Wisdom Level 1
Increases resistance to Hold, Sleep and Mental attacks by 20.
icon skill0329 Health Level 1
Increases resistance to poison and Bleed attacks by 20.
icon skill0335 Fortitude Level 1
Increases resistance to Paralysis and Stun attacks by 30. Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
icon skill0984 Shield Strike Level 16
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 3849 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 77

Name SP
icon skill0368 Vengeance Level 1
Provokes nearby enemies to switch targets and attack through Power 7987. For 30 seconds, increases P. Def. by 5400, M. Def. by 4050, and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 80%, and becomes unable to move. Requires a shield.
icon skill0352 Shield Bash Level 1
Hits an enemy with user's shield, stunning them for 2 seconds. Requires a shield. Target cancel is possible.
icon skill0984 Shield Strike Level 17
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 3945 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 78

Name SP
icon skill0341 Touch of Life Level 1
Gives a divine blessing by sacrificing oneself. Restores HP by 50%, and for 2 minutes, increases resistance to buff cancel attacks by 100%, resistance to de-buff attacks by 30%, and the power of received HP recovery magic by 30%. Restores 50 HP every second.
icon skill0351 Magical Mirror Level 1
For 5 minutes, reflects physical buffs/de-buffs with 10% probability and magic buffs/de-buffs with 30% probability. Requires a shield.
icon skill0429 Knighthood Level 1
Increases P. Def. by 87.1 and Shield Defense by 10 when equipped with heavy armor.
icon skill0984 Shield Strike Level 18
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4040 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 79

Name SP
icon skill0527 Iron Shield Level 1
Increases Shield Defense with a certain chance when attacked.
icon skill0528 Shield of Faith Level 1
For 15 seconds, increases party members' P. Def. by 3600 and M. Def. by 2700, and absorbs 90% of any damage received by a party member.
icon skill0984 Shield Strike Level 19
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4133 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 80

Name SP
Symbol of Defense Level 1
Creates a seal that maximizes the defensives abilities of nearby allies. The seal's effect disappears upon leaving the area. Consumes 1 Battle Symbol.
Summon Smart Cubic Level 1
Summons Smart Cubic. Cancels all the bad abnormal conditions which were cast on the master, and uses useful skills additionally. Consumes 38 Spirit Ore when summoning.
Shield Strike Level 20
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4224 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 81

Name SP
Shield Strike Level 21
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4312 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 82

Name SP
Shield Strike Level 22
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4399 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 83

Name SP
Shield Strike Level 23
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4482 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.
Challenge for Fate Level 1
Challenges enemies and draws attention. Increases your P. Def. and M. Def for 15 seconds.

Level 84

Name SP
Shield Strike Level 24
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4563 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.

Level 85

Name SP
Shield Strike Level 25
Attacks an enemy using a shield with 4640 Power added to P. Atk, and provokes an enemy. Requires a shield.