Common Item - Inferno Master High Five

Inferno Master with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and augmenting are impossible.

Item information

Item ID 11954
Type Weapon
icon icon.weapon_inferno_master_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type SWORD
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 10
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;46;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 58
crystal_type A
material FINE_STEEL
weight 633
price 726500
change_weaponId 11959
soulshots 1
spiritshots 1


NPC Level Count Chance
Ketra Orc Raider 78 1 1/40
Ketra Orc Footman 77 1 1/40
Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/40
Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/40
Elder Homunculus 75 1 1/40
Vampire Wizard 73 1 1/40
Eye of Watchman 73 1 1/40
Vampire Wizard 73 1 1/40
Buffalo Slave 72 1 1/40
Grendel 71 1 1/40
Grendel 71 1 1/40
Grendel 71 1 1/40
Requiem Behemoth 70 1 1/40
Canyon Antelope Slave 69 1 1/40
Alpine Cougar 69 1 1/40
Bandersnatch 69 1 1/40
Bandersnatch 69 1 1/40
Bandersnatch 69 1 1/40
Antelope 68 1 1/40
Canyon Antelope 68 1 1/40
Antelope 68 1 1/40
Antelope 68 1 1/40