Common Item - Destroyer Hammer High Five

Destroyer Hammer with limited enhancement options. Enchantment, soul storing and augmenting are impossible.

Item information

Item ID 11958
Type Weapon
icon icon.weapon_hammer_of_destroyer_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type BLUNT
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 20
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;44;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 58
crystal_type A
material FINE_STEEL
weight 637
price 726500
soulshots 1
spiritshots 1


NPC Level Count Chance
Carrion Scarab 78 1 1/53
Carrion Scarab 78 1 1/53
Ketra Orc Scout 78 1 1/53
Vassal Ghost 77 1 1/53
Ketra's War Hound 77 1 1/53
Ghost of a Doorman 76 1 1/53
Shrine Guard 75 1 1/53
Disciples of Punishment 75 1 1/53
Disciples of Punishment 75 1 1/53
Grendel Slave 74 1 1/53
Eye of Pilgrim 74 1 1/53
Homunculus 73 1 1/53
Bone Scavenger 72 1 1/53
Eye of Guide 72 1 1/53
Bone Scavenger 72 1 1/53
Needle Stakato Worker 71 1 1/53
Requiem Behemoth 70 1 1/53
Heathen Knight 69 1 1/53
Alpine Cougar 69 1 1/53
Splinter Stakato Drone 69 1 1/53
Heathen Grunt 68 1 1/53