Shining Arrow High Five

The most powerful arrow. Unknown material.

Item information

Item ID 1345
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_shining_quiver_i00 icon.etc_shining_quiver_i00
default_action EQUIP
etcitem_type ARROW
bodypart lhand
immediate_effect true
crystal_type S
weight 3
price 10
is_stackable true
NPC Level Count Chance
Turtlelian 85 2400 - 7200 1/18
Kiriona 85 2400 - 7200 1/18
Bgurent 85 2400 - 7200 1/18
Groikan 85 2400 - 7200 1/18
Tardyon 85 300 - 900 30.4362%
Mutant Elite Soldier 84 300 - 900 21.259%
Master Festina 83 3080 - 9240 1/14
Guzen 83 2100 - 6300 1/12
Cosmic Watcher 83 400 - 1200 1/10
Original Sin Warden 83 300 - 900 1/6
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 280 - 840 1/6
Tully's Golem Guard 83 280 - 840 23.0396%
Beleth's Assassin 83 240 - 720 28.4721%
Slave of Envy 83 60 - 180 23.3985%
Darion's Faithful Servant 83 60 - 180 42.6399%
Slave of Greed 83 60 - 180 23.4004%
Slave of Wrath 83 50 - 150 22.462%
Foundry Foreman 83 40 - 120 29.0396%
Slave of Pride 83 40 - 120 29.3374%
Slave of Pride 83 40 - 120 21.1495%
Cosmic Scout 83 40 - 120 29.3374%
Failan's Guard 83 40 - 120 29.3374%
Passageway Guards 83 20 - 60 54.1682%
Labyrinth Mystic 83 10 - 30 70.2877%
Contaminated Mucrokian 83 10 - 30 70.1036%
Tanta Lizardman Archer 83 10 - 30 66.7806%
Tanta Lizardman Magician 83 10 - 30 64.2037%
Slave of Wrath 83 10 - 30 66.6619%
Spiked Stakato 82 60 - 180 28.6797%
Brimstone Iris 82 40 - 120 1/8
Servitor of Darkness 82 10 - 30 71.3532%
Earthworm's Descendant 82 10 - 30 70.1036%
Tanta Lizardman Scout 82 10 - 30 64.6411%
Royal Guard Captain 81 2700 - 8100 1/6
Dragon Steed Troop Commander 81 2700 - 8100 1/13
Royal Guard Captain 81 300 - 900 23.2211%
Dragon Steed Troop Captain #1 81 300 - 900 32.4532%
White Dragon Leader 81 300 - 900 1/9
Dragon Steed Troop Commander 81 300 - 900 32.1897%
Dragon Steed Troops No 1 Battalion Commander 81 300 - 900 31.7767%
Dragon Steed Troop Magician 81 60 - 180 43.5%
Body Severer 81 60 - 180 25.7992%
Dragon Steed Troop Commander 81 60 - 180 29.2068%
Soul Devourer 81 60 - 180 25.7325%
Dragon Steed Troops No 1 Battalion Commander 81 60 - 180 29.2068%
Invader Shaman of Nightmare 81 60 - 180 25.8414%
Dragon Steed Troop Magician 81 60 - 180 25.8198%
Emissary of Death 81 60 - 180 25.7695%
Emissary of Death 81 60 - 180 25.7325%
Dragon Steed Troop Magic Leader 81 60 - 180 27.406%
Cursed Prefect 81 60 - 180 29.2547%
Town Patrolman 81 50 - 150 34.502%
Law Scholar of Conclusions 81 20 - 60 55.3683%
Law Scholar of Conclusions 81 20 - 60 55.2347%
Dragon Steed Troop Magician 81 20 - 60 55.3114%
Cursed Prefect 81 20 - 60 55.3114%
Phantoms of the Mine 81 10 - 30 65.1988%
Ragna Orc Healer 81 10 - 30 83.9661%
Grave Robber Summoner 81 10 - 30 71.3378%
Grave Robber Worker 81 10 - 30 85.7382%
Servitor of Darkness 81 10 - 30 85.7382%
Dragon Steed Troop Infantry 80 300 - 900 1/6
Dragon Steed Troop Infantry 80 60 - 180 25.8158%
Dragon Steed Troop Javelin Thrower 80 60 - 180 29.2068%
Dragon Steed Troop Javelin Thrower 80 60 - 180 43.7391%
Soul Devourer 80 60 - 180 25.784%
Disciple of Infinity 80 60 - 180 25.6827%
Dragon Steed Troop Infantry 80 60 - 180 29.2547%
Dragon Steed Troop Magic Soldier 80 60 - 180 39.7099%
Cursed Guardian! 80 10 - 30 84.9129%
Warrior of Light 79 60 - 180 29.3209%
Dragon Steed Troop Healer 79 60 - 180 29.1429%
Body Harvester 79 60 - 180 43.9905%
Magma Golem 78 60 - 180 23.7994%
Body Severer 78 60 - 180 50.0488%
Rotten Messenger 77 60 - 180 43.9202%
Priest of Darkness 76 60 - 180 23.7788%

Success rate = 100%

2 Mithril Ore
4 Braided Hemp