Fisted Blade High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Rsk. Haste or Haste.

Item information

Item ID 265
Type Weapon
icon icon weapon_fist_blade_i00 icon.weapon_fist_blade_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type DUALFIST
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 5
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;40;90
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 1322
crystal_type C
material FINE_STEEL
weight 1480
price 3304300
soulshots 3
spiritshots 3
enchant_enabled 1
NPC Level Count Chance
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II 52 1 1/89
Royal Cave Servant 51 1 1/89
Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem VII 51 1 1/89
Orfen 50 1 1/10
Garden Guard Leader 50 1 1/89
Spiteful Ghost of Ruins 50 1 1/89
Core 50 1 1/10
Timak Orc Gosmos 45 1 1/16
Flamestone Golem 44 1 27.0783%

Success rate = 100%

10 Fisted Blade Piece
54 Mithril Alloy
54 Synthetic Cokes
27 High-Grade Suede
108 Metal Hardener
300 Crystal (C-Grade)
166 Gemstone C