Crucifix of Blood High Five

Item information

Item ID 318
Type Weapon
icon icon.weapon_crucifix_of_blood_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type ETC
bodypart rhand
random_damage 10
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;40;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 1983
crystal_type D
material STEEL
weight 540
price 1074000
soulshots 3
spiritshots 3
enchant_enabled 1
is_magic_weapon true


NPC Level Count Chance
Windsus 39 1 1/51
Ragna Orc Seer 39 1 1/51
Vault Monk 37 1 1/51
Cat's Eye Bandit 30 1 32.5983%


Success rate = 100%

7 Crucifix of Blood Piece
100 Steel
200 Coarse Bone Powder
100 Braided Hemp
430 Crystal (D-Grade)
139 Gemstone D