Sealed Tallum Tunic High Five

Sealed Tallum Tunic. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Item information

Item ID 5304
Type Armor
icon icon.armor_t79_u_i02
default_action EQUIP
armor_type MAGIC
bodypart chest
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 214
crystal_type A
material LEATHER
weight 1860
price 2671000
enchant_enabled 1


NPC Level Count Chance
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Lilim Great Magus 78 1 1/371
Lilim Slayer 75 1 1/371
Bloody Lord 75 1 1/371
Amon's Captain of the Guards 74 1 1/371
Bloody Banshee 74 1 1/371
noname 73 1 1/371
Bound Warrior 72 1 1/371
Crypt Preacher 72 1 1/371
Purgatory Liviona 71 1 1/371
Platinum Tribe Shaman 70 1 1/371
Limal Karinness 69 1 1/371
Valac's Creature 69 1 1/371
Alpine Cougar 69 1 1/371
Purgatory Gargoyle 68 1 1/371
Fierce Tiger King Angel 65 1 1/15
Shilen's Priest Hisilrome 65 1 1/28


Success rate = 100%

1 Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(100%)
13 Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture
1 Leolin's Mold
180 Crafted Leather
108 Metallic Fiber
36 Asofe
70 Crystal (B-Grade)
67 Gemstone B

Success rate < 100%

1 Recipe: Sealed Tallum Tunic(60%)
13 Sealed Tallum Tunic Texture
1 Maestro Anvil Lock
100 Crafted Leather
60 Metallic Fiber
20 Asofe
37 Crystal (B-Grade)
73 Gemstone B