Dynasty Mace High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Mana Up, Conversion, or Acumen.

Item information

Item ID 9449
Type Weapon
icon icon.weapon_dynasty_staff_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type BLUNT
bodypart rhand
random_damage 20
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;40;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 3597
crystal_type S
material WOOD
weight 1080
price 74946000
soulshots 1
spiritshots 1
element_enabled true
enchant_enabled 1
is_magic_weapon true


NPC Level Count Chance
Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 1/1236
Mucrokian Ascetic 83 1 1/1236
Spiked Stakato Worker 82 1 1/1236
Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 1/1236
Nihil Invader Assassin 82 1 1/1236
Lesser Giant Scout 82 1 1/1236
Giant Marpanak 82 1 1/870
Ragna Orc Sniper 82 1 1/1236
Invader Destroyer of Nightmare 81 1 1/1236
Phantoms of the Mine 81 1 1/826
Ornithomimus 80 1 1/1236
Ornithomimus 80 1 1/1236
Drakos 80 1 1/11
Palit 80 1 1/1236


Success rate < 100%

1 Recipe - Dynasty Mace (60%)
18 Dynasty Mace Piece
4 Warsmith's Holder
244 Mithril Alloy
244 Synthetic Cokes
488 Durable Metal Plate
122 High-Grade Suede
122 Enria
61 Adamantine
349 Crystal (S-Grade)
69 Gemstone S