NPC - All-Seeing Rango Forsaken Inmate High Five

Forsaken Inmate

NPC information

General Information
ID 25575 Level 73
Collision Radius 42 Collision Height 45
HP 194342 MP 1442
HP Regen 84 MP Regen 3
Exp 419 SP 360601.577651335
Physical Attack 4659 Magical Attack 838
Physical Defence 930 Magical Defence 454
Critical 4 Speed Walk / Run 60 / 170
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type SWORD Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 60 DEX 73 CON 57
INT 76 WIT 70 MEN 80
Attack Type none Power -
Defence Fire 20 Defence Water 20
Defence Wind 20 Defence Earth 20
Defence Holy 20 Defence Dark 20
Item Grade Count Chance
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
1 1/62
Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor Pattern
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Dark Crystal Leather Armor. It can be sold at a regular store.
2 - 4 60.3123%
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.
1 1/39
Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings Design
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Leggings. It can be sold at a regular store.
4 - 12 35.4996%
Giant's Codex - Oblivion
An item required to restore a previous enchantment.
1 45.9184%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)
Increases P. Def. of A-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.
1 25.5102%
Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)
When enchanted, increases P. Atk. of A-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt weapon/one-handed, dagger, spear, etc. by 4. Increases P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt weapon/two-handed, dualsword, and fist-fighting weapon/two-handed by 5. Increases P. Atk. of bow weapons by 8. Increaes M. Atk. of all weapons by 3. From +4, doulbes P. Atk. and M. Atk. bonus for all weapon types. It can be safely enchanted up to +3.
1 25.5102%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Weapon (A-Grade)
Increases P. Atk. of an A-Grade weapons such as sword/one-handed, blunt/one handed, dagger, spear and etc. type by 4. P. Atk. of sword/two-handed, blunt/two-handed, dual swords, and fists type will increase by 5 and bow type by 8. The M.Atk of all weapons will increase by 3. From +4, the added bonuses for P.Atk/M.Atk are double the above value. When fail on enchanting, item does not get crystallized but it's enchant value will return to 0.
1 1/33
Knight's Epaulette
A mark obtained after defeating enemies. It can be used to purchase special items after Fortress battles.
184 - 368 100%
Skill Level
Resist Full Magic Attack 1
Decrease Speed 6
Instantly reduces Speed. Effect 3.
Decrease MP 6
Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 3.
BOSS Aura Burn 6
HP Increase (1x) 1
MP Increase (1x) 1
Average P. Atk. 11
Average M. Atk. 11
Average P. Def. 11
Average M. Def. 11
Standard Type 2
One-handed Sword 3
Magic Creatures 2
The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Titan Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-level magic, such as teleportation.
NPC Count
Rango's Iris 4
Rango's Lens 1