NPC - Tears Ice High Five


NPC information

General Information
ID 25716 Level 84
Collision Radius 20 Collision Height 27.5
HP 1360986 MP 18120
HP Regen 154 MP Regen 30
Exp 289 SP 1217980.07038271
Physical Attack 5381 Magical Attack 3682
Physical Defence 644 Magical Defence 346
Critical 4 Speed Walk / Run 60 / 180
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type FIST Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 60 DEX 73 CON 57
INT 76 WIT 70 MEN 80
Attack Type WATER Power -
Defence Fire 150 Defence Water 250
Defence Wind 200 Defence Earth 200
Defence Holy 200 Defence Dark 200
Item Grade Count Chance
Sealed Moirai Leather Breastplate
Sealed Moirai Leather Gaiters. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
1 38.461%
Sealed Moirai Leather Legging
Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.
1 61.539%
Icarus Spitter
Bestows one of the following functions: Cheap Shot, Guidance or Focus.
1 100%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.
1 28.5714%
Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (A-Grade)
Increases P. Def. of A-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.
1 71.4286%
Skill Level
Water Dragon Scale 1
Resist Full Magic Attack 1
HP Increase (1x) 1
MP Increase (1x) 1
Average P. Atk. 11
Average M. Atk. 11
Average P. Def. 11
Average M. Def. 11
Standard Type 2
Bare Hands 1
Spirits 7
They are not necessarily creatures, but elemental energy beings. They basically belong to the 4 elements, which are water, fire, wind, and earth, but they also dwell in natural objects. They are known to be governed by the gods of water, fire, wind, and earth.
Raid Boss 1
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
Freezing 1
Instantly freezes and immobilizes.
Invincible 1
Invincible against general attack and skill, buff/de-buff.
Water Attacks 1
Strong against the element of water.
Boss Petrification Resistance 1
Resist against Petrification.
Level 84 Raid Boss 1
Raid Boss Tears