NPC - Lost Guard High Five

NPC information

General Information
ID 29145 Level 78
Collision Radius 13 Collision Height 47
HP 15710 MP 1607
HP Regen 18 MP Regen 3
Exp 0 SP 0
Physical Attack 3413 Magical Attack 2331
Physical Defence 499 Magical Defence 243
Critical 4 Speed Walk / Run 30 / 220
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type BLUNT Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 40 DEX 30 CON 43
INT 21 WIT 20 MEN 20
Attack Type EARTH Power -
Defence Fire 90 Defence Water 90
Defence Wind 30 Defence Earth 150
Defence Holy 90 Defence Dark 90


Skill Level
Resist Full Magic Attack 1
HP Increase (1x) 1
MP Increase (1x) 1
Average P. Atk. 11
Average M. Atk. 11
Average P. Def. 11
Average M. Def. 11
Standard Type 2
Spears 11
Angels 8
These creatures of the heavenly realm or the race posses sacred blessings and were originally creatures of the spirits of light. In some very rare cases, angels can manifest the gods' will in reality.
Earth Attacks 1
Strong against the element of earth.