Quest - Trial of the Guildsman High Five
In order to become a full-fledged member of Dwarven society, a Dwarven apprentice must first prove himself worthy by creating seven journeyman rings.
The Trial Begins (Step 1)
In order to become a full-fledged member of Dwarven society, you must first create 7 journeyman rings. Blacksmith Altran on Talking Island might be a good person to ask. Hold on... Do you see that? Is it a hint?
Target | Blacksmith Altran |
Altran's Arthritis (Step 2)
Altran's arthritis is bothering him terribly. Return to Warehouse Keeper Valkon for instructions.
Target | Warehouse Keeper Valkon |
A Medicine for Arthritis (Step 3)
Altran's arthritis is getting much worse. Mandragora berries are supposed to be an excellent remedy. Bring him some and he might listen to you. Monsters to be hunted - Mandragora Sprouts, Mandragoras, Mandragora Saplings, Mandragora Blossoms
Target | Mandragora Farm |
Items |
Visiting Altran (Step 4)
Take the mandragora berries to Altran on Talking Island to treat his arthritis.
Target | Blacksmith Altran |
Ingredients of the Journeyman Ring (Step 5)
In order to make a journeyman ring you must obtain journeyman gems and journeyman deco beads. You can get the gems from Warehouse Keeper Norman in Gludin Village and the deco beads from Blacksmith Pinter in the Town of Gludio.
Making a Journeyman Ring (Step 6)
You've obtained 7 journeyman deco beads and 7 journeyman gems. Use the recipe to create 7 journeyman rings and take them to Warehouse Keeper Valkon.
Target | Warehouse Keeper Valkon |