Quest - Jovial Accordion High Five

Music is the most beautiful form of expression! This musician, who calls himself a master of tunes, is looking desperately for someone who will play tunes together…

ID 364
Contact NPCBarbado
Min. Level15

Barbado explains that he has long been an admirer of Swan's music and his fondest wish is to someday play a duet with him. Swan has not responded to his invitation, and Barbado has gotten the impression that Swan is avoiding him. Barbado asks you to visit Swan on his behalf.

TargetBard Swan

You are asked to run an errand for Bard Swan. Obtain a black beer from Jonas' box and deliver it to Trader Sabrin. Obtain a garment from Sonia's box and give it to Guard Xaber.

Troubadour Swan has agreed to perform in an ensemble. Relay this news to Barbado.