Quest - Certified Arbalester High Five
In order to get Female Kamael Second Class Arbalester, find and contact hidden Advanced Intelligence Unit and pass the test of that organization.
Secret Organization (Step 1)
To find the clue necessary for changing your class to Arbalester, you must locate their secret organization. Speak with Master Rindy to obtain information about the secret organization.
Target | Master Rindy |
Bait (Step 2)
Dion Castle Dark Elf Magister Clayton is said to possess information that may be of interest to the secret organization. In exchange, they may be willing to make you an Arbalester. Go and find out.
Target | Magister Clayton |
Clayton's Favor (Step 3)
To get the information you need, you must do a favor for Clayton. Go to Floran Village and collect materials for his magical experiments. Monsters to be hunted - Watchman of the Plains, Roughly Hewn Rock Golem, Delu Lizardmen Supplier, Delu Lizardmen Special Agent, Cursed Seer, Delu Lizardmen Commander, Delu Lizardmen Shaman
Target | Floran Village |
Items |
Crystals Collected (Step 4)
You have collected all the Enmity Crystals requested by Clayton. Deliver them to him in exchange for the secret information he promised.
Target | Magister Clayton |
Delivery (Step 5)
According to Clayton, Blacksmith Poitan has a very important secret. Subtly ask Poitan while you are delivering Clayton's magical materials.
Target | Blacksmith Poitan |
The Giants' Archive (Step 6)
Warehouse Keeper Holvas, a friend of Poitan, knows something about the Archive of Giants that concerns the recently discovered Kamael race. Go and investigate.
Target | Warehouse Keeper Holvas |
Manuscript Pieces (Step 7)
Holvas' messenger has been ambushed and the Manuscript of Giants has been scattered. Collect all the pieces of the manuscript in the Execution Grounds and bring them to Holvas to learn about the secrets it contains. Monsters to be hunted - Amber Basilisk, Strain, Ghoul, Granite Golem, Dead Seeker, Hanged Man Ripper
Target | Execution Grounds |
Items |
All Pieces Obtained (Step 8)
All the pieces of manuscript have been collected. Return to Holvas and put them all together to learn the contents of the manuscript.
Target | Warehouse Keeper Holvas |
Secret Password (Step 9)
The manuscript contains a secret encoded message written in an ancient Kamael language. Take it to Grand Master Meldina for decoding.
Target | Grand Master Meldina |
Secret Organization Inquisitor (Step 10)
You have finally made contact with the Secret Organization! It is said to be the finest of its kind among the Kamael. In order to take its test, visit Grand Master Selsia in Hunters Village.
Target | Master Selsia |
Investigation of Assault Case (Step 11)
Investigate the assault on a high-ranking Giran officer; it may be related to an important secret of the Kamael. Monsters to be hunted - Grandis
Target | Death Pass |
Wirepuller of the Assault (Step 12)
Grandis has been terminated and a Fragment of Grandis' Attack Orders has been acquired. Part of the Ivory Tower Wizard's Seal is shown. If the rest of the order pieces are found, it will be possible to discover who is behind this. Collect the rest of the order fragments. Monsters to be hunted - Grandis.
Target | Ivory Tower Crater |
Items |
Wirepuller of the Assault (Step 13)
You collect the entirety of Grandis' Attack Orders and have discovered that the seal on them belongs to Ivory Tower Magister Gaius. Go to Gaius and ask about the assault.
Target | Magister Gaius |
Research Document on the Giants' Whereabouts (Step 14)
Gaius says that he instigated the assault in order to stop the Research Document of Giants, which contains an important secret of the Kamael, from falling into the hands of Beleth. The document had disappeared following the attack of the Manashen Gargoyle in the Ivory Tower Crater while it was being transported to the Ivory Tower. Investigate Manashen Gargoyle. Monsters to be hunted - Manashen Gargoyle
Target | Ivory Tower Crater |
Manipulation Scroll (Step 15)
You have acquired a fragment of the Manipulation Scroll that Manashen used to attack the messenger carrying the research document. Collect all the pieces to find out who it is. Monsters to be hunted - Manashen
Target | Ivory Tower Crater |
Items |
Owner of Scroll (Step 16)
All of the Manipulation Scroll has been collected. The owner of Scroll seems to be the Ivory Tower Magister Gauen. Meet Gauen and ask what happened to the Stolen Research Document on Giants.
Target | Magister Gauen |
Desire of Wizards (Step 17)
You visit Gauen, who tells you that Magister Kaiena was the true mastermind. Visit her.
Target | Magister Kaiena |
Where is Truth? (Step 18)
Magister Kaiena claims she was tricked by Gauen when she tried to stop Beleth from obtaining the Research Document of the Giants. Sorting out who is telling the truth will take some time. Go report to Selsia.
Target | Master Selsia |
Research Document on the Giants' Whereabouts (Step 19)
After hearing your report, Selsia tells you that another team's investigation has uncovered that the Crimson Lady, one of Beleth's underlings, is the one who stole the Research Document of Giants. She is guarded by Timak Orc Soldiers and Archers in the Timak Orc Camp. Monsters to be hunted - Timak Orc Soldier, Timak Orc Archer, Crimson Lady
Target | Timak Outpost |
Acquisition of Research Document (Step 20)
You have recovered the Research Documents of the Giants from the Crimson Lady. Return to Selsia and report your success.
Target | Master Selsia |