Summon Spectral Lord +12 Power High Five
Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. Enhances the summoner.
Skill information
skill_name | s_summon_spectral_lord_power12 |
skill_id | 1408 |
level | 112 |
operate_type | A1 |
magic_level | 84 |
effect | {i_summon;[spectral_lord_ep_12];100;[spirit_ore];11;3600} |
operate_cond | {can_summon} |
is_magic | 1 |
mp_consume2 | 116 |
cast_range | -1 |
effective_range | -1 |
skill_hit_time | 6 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
reuse_delay | 5 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_none |
target_type | self |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | none |
ride_state | @ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf |
olympiad_use | 1 |
mp_consume1 | 29 |
item_consume | [spirit_ore];4 |
icon |
Skill Levels
Summon Spectral Lord Level 1 Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. |
Skill Enchants - Power
Summon Spectral Lord +1 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +2 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +3 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +4 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +5 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +6 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +7 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +8 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +9 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +10 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +11 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
[selected] Summon Spectral Lord +12 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +13 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +14 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |
Summon Spectral Lord +15 Power Summon the servitor Spectral Lord. Requires 4 Spirit Ore and consumes 11 Spirit Ore at regular intervals up to 14 times. Enchant Power: Summoner has been enhanced. |