Burning Fist +13 Power High Five
Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2858 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. Increases Power by 23.
Skill information
skill_name | s_burning_fist_power_13 |
skill_id | 280 |
level | 113 |
operate_type | A1 |
magic_level | 80 |
effect | {i_p_attack;2858;15;1;0} |
operate_cond | {equip_weapon;{dualfist}} |
mp_consume2 | 87 |
cast_range | 40 |
effective_range | 400 |
skill_hit_time | 1.9 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
reuse_delay | 4 |
attribute | attr_fire;20 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | -388 |
target_type | enemy |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | attack |
ride_state | @ride_none |
olympiad_use | 1 |
icon |
Skill Levels
Burning Fist Level 1 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 517 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 2 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 549 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 3 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 583 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 4 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 619 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 5 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 656 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 6 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 694 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 7 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 735 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 8 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 777 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 9 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 820 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 10 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 865 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 11 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 912 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 12 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 960 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 13 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1010 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 14 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1062 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 15 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1115 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 16 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1169 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 17 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1225 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 18 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1283 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 19 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1342 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 20 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1402 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 21 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1464 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 22 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1527 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 23 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1591 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 24 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1656 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 25 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1722 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 26 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1789 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 27 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1857 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 28 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1926 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 29 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 1995 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 30 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2065 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 31 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2135 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 32 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2206 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 33 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2277 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 34 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2347 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 35 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2417 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 36 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2488 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Burning Fist Level 37 Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |
Skill Enchants - Power
Burning Fist +1 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2581 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +2 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2604 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +3 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2627 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +4 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2650 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +5 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2673 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +6 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2696 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +7 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2719 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +8 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2743 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +9 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2766 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +10 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2789 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +11 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2812 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +12 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2835 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
[selected] Burning Fist +13 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2858 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +14 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2881 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +15 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2904 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +16 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2927 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +17 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2950 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +18 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2973 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +19 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2996 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +20 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3019 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +21 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3042 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +22 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3065 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +23 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3088 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +24 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3111 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +25 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3134 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +26 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3157 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +27 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3180 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +28 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3204 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +29 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3227 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Burning Fist +30 Power Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 3250 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Skill Enchants - Cost
Burning Fist +1 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +2 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +3 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +4 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +5 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +6 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +7 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +8 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +9 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +10 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +11 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +12 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +13 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +14 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +15 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +16 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +17 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +18 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +19 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +20 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +21 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +22 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +23 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +24 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +25 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +26 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +27 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +28 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +29 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Burning Fist +30 Cost Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption. |
Skill Enchants - Fire Attack
Burning Fist +1 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 21. |
Burning Fist +2 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 22. |
Burning Fist +3 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 23. |
Burning Fist +4 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 24. |
Burning Fist +5 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 25. |
Burning Fist +6 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 26. |
Burning Fist +7 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 27. |
Burning Fist +8 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 28. |
Burning Fist +9 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 29. |
Burning Fist +10 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 30. |
Burning Fist +11 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 31. |
Burning Fist +12 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 32. |
Burning Fist +13 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 33. |
Burning Fist +14 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 34. |
Burning Fist +15 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 35. |
Burning Fist +16 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 36. |
Burning Fist +17 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 37. |
Burning Fist +18 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 38. |
Burning Fist +19 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 39. |
Burning Fist +20 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 40. |
Burning Fist +21 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 41. |
Burning Fist +22 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 42. |
Burning Fist +23 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 43. |
Burning Fist +24 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 44. |
Burning Fist +25 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 45. |
Burning Fist +26 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 46. |
Burning Fist +27 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 47. |
Burning Fist +28 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 48. |
Burning Fist +29 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 49. |
Burning Fist +30 Fire Attack Hurls a Fire type iron-fist to attack the target with 2557 Power added to P. Atk. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Ignores Shield Defense. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. Enchant Fire Attack: Increases Fire damage by 50. |