Checkmate +25 Duel High Five
Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7823 Power during PvP. Increases Power during PvP.
Skill information
skill_name | s_checkmate_duel25 |
skill_id | 506 |
level | 425 |
operate_type | A1 |
magic_level | 84 |
operate_cond | {equip_weapon;{rapier}} |
mp_consume2 | 51 |
cast_range | 40 |
effective_range | 400 |
skill_hit_time | 1.5 |
skill_cool_time | 0.3 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
reuse_delay | 3 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | -328 |
target_type | enemy |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | attack |
ride_state | @ride_none |
olympiad_use | 1 |
consume_etc | 0;5 |
pvp_effect | {i_p_soul_attack;7823;5;1;0} |
pve_effect | {i_p_soul_attack;5180;5;1;0} |
target_operate_cond | {op_check_abnormal;death_mark;1;1} |
icon |
Skill Levels
Checkmate Level 1 Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 2388 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. |
Checkmate Level 2 Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 3408 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. |
Checkmate Level 3 Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 4275 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. |
Checkmate Level 4 Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. |
Skill Enchants - Power
Checkmate +1 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5813 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +2 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5852 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +3 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5892 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +4 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5932 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +5 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5971 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +6 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6011 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +7 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6050 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +8 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6090 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +9 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6129 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +10 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6169 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +11 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6209 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +12 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6248 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +13 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6288 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +14 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6327 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +15 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6367 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +16 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6406 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +17 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6446 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +18 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6486 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +19 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6525 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +20 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6565 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +21 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6604 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +22 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6644 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +23 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6683 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +24 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6723 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +25 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6763 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +26 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6802 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +27 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6842 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +28 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6881 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +29 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6921 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Checkmate +30 Power Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 6960 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Power: Increases Power. |
Skill Enchants - Cost
Checkmate +1 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5359 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +2 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5388 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +3 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5417 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +4 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5446 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +5 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5475 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +6 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5504 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +7 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5533 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +8 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5562 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +9 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5591 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +10 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5620 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +11 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5649 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +12 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5678 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +13 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5707 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +14 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5735 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +15 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5764 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +16 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5793 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +17 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5822 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +18 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5851 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +19 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5880 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +20 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5909 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +21 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5938 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +22 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5967 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +23 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 5996 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +24 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6025 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +25 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6054 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +26 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6083 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +27 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6112 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +28 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6141 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +29 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6170 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Checkmate +30 Cost Attacks Death Mark status enemies with 6199 Power added to P. Atk. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword to be equipped. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical. Enchant Cost: Increases Power and decreases MP consumption. |
Skill Enchants - Dark Attack
Checkmate +1 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 1. |
Checkmate +2 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 3. |
Checkmate +3 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 5. |
Checkmate +4 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 6. |
Checkmate +5 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 8. |
Checkmate +6 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 10. |
Checkmate +7 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 11. |
Checkmate +8 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 13. |
Checkmate +9 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 15. |
Checkmate +10 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 16. |
Checkmate +11 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 18. |
Checkmate +12 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 20. |
Checkmate +13 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 21. |
Checkmate +14 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 23. |
Checkmate +15 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 25. |
Checkmate +16 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 26. |
Checkmate +17 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 28. |
Checkmate +18 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 30. |
Checkmate +19 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 31. |
Checkmate +20 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 33. |
Checkmate +21 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 35. |
Checkmate +22 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 36. |
Checkmate +23 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 38. |
Checkmate +24 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 40. |
Checkmate +25 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 41. |
Checkmate +26 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 43. |
Checkmate +27 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 45. |
Checkmate +28 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 46. |
Checkmate +29 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 48. |
Checkmate +30 Dark Attack Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Dark Attack: Increases dark damage by 50. |
Skill Enchants - Duel
Checkmate +1 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5285 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +2 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5391 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +3 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5497 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +4 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5602 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +5 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5708 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +6 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5814 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +7 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 5920 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +8 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6025 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +9 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6131 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +10 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6237 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +11 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6343 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +12 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6448 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +13 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6554 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +14 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6660 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +15 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6766 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +16 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6871 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +17 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 6977 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +18 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7083 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +19 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7188 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +20 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7294 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +21 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7400 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +22 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7506 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +23 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7611 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +24 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7717 Power during PvP. |
[selected] Checkmate +25 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7823 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +26 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 7929 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +27 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 8034 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +28 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 8140 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +29 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 8246 Power during PvP. |
Checkmate +30 Duel Supplements the user's P. Atk. by 5180 Power to attack enemies bearing a Death Mark. Increases Power upon the consumption of up to 5 souls. Requires a short sword. Ignores Shield Defense. Critical hit is possible. Enchant Duel: Attacks with 8352 Power during PvP. |