Craft - Sealed Tateossian Necklace 70% High Five

The seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon. Once the seal is broken, the effect of M. Def+4 and MP+42 are given.

Item ID 6726
Item icon accessory_tateossian_necklace_i02 Sealed Tateossian Necklace
Icon accessory_tateossian_necklace_i02
Consume MP 225
Success rate 70%
Skill icon skill0172 Create Item Level 9
Rare item production possible icon accessory_tateossian_necklace_i02 Foundation Sealed Tateossian Necklace x1
icon etc_recipe_black_i00 1 Recipe: Sealed Tateossian Necklace(70%)
icon etc_jewel_box_i00 17 Sealed Tateossian Necklace Chain
icon etc_blacksmiths_frame_i00 1 Warsmith's Mold
icon etc_metallic_fiber_i00 160 Metallic Fiber
icon etc_potion_clear_i00 96 Varnish of Purity
icon etc_gem_clear_i00 32 Thons
icon etc_crystal_gold_i00 24 Crystal (S-Grade)
icon etc_bead_silver_i00 4 Gemstone S