Sage's Rag High Five

One-piece upper and lower body armor. Additional lower body armor cannot be worn while wearing this.

Item information

Item ID 438
Type Armor
icon icon armor_t44_ul_i00 icon.armor_t44_ul_i00
default_action EQUIP
armor_type MAGIC
bodypart onepiece
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 677
crystal_type D
material CLOTH
weight 2580
price 366600
enchant_enabled 1
NPC Level Count Chance
Ragna Orc Shaman 42 1 1/60
Giant Monstereye 41 1 1/60
Light Worm 41 1 1/60
Queen Ant 40 1 - 2 50%
Nakondas 40 1 29.0162%
Flame Lord Shadar 35 1 29.0162%
Cronos's Servitor Mumu 34 1 29.0162%
1 21.9924%

Success rate = 100%

8 Sage's Rag Lining
140 Leather
70 Cord
35 Braided Hemp
130 Crystal (D-Grade)
36 Gemstone D