Sealed Helm of Nightmare High Five

Sealed Helm of Nightmare. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Item information

Item ID 5312
Type Armor
icon icon armor_leather_helmet_i02 icon.armor_leather_helmet_i02
default_action EQUIP
bodypart head
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 163
crystal_type A
material LEATHER
weight 560
price 2032000
enchant_enabled 1
NPC Level Count Chance
Garden Stakato 83 1 1/401
Garden Castalia 83 1 1/401
Passageway Captain 83 1 1/401
Beleth's Minion 82 1 1/401
Beleth's Minion 82 1 1/401
Crystalline Unicorn 82 1 1/401
Emerald Boar 82 1 1/401
Dolph's Minion 82 1 1/401
Dragon Steed Troop Grand Magician 81 1 1/401
Blind Huntsman 81 1 1/401
Blind Watchman 81 1 1/401
Emissary of Death 81 1 1/401
Dragon Steed Troop Commander 81 1 1/401
Dragon Steed Troop Javelin Thrower 80 1 1/401
Dragon Steed Troop Javelin Thrower 80 1 1/401
Dragon Steed Troop Magic Soldier 80 1 1/401
Butcher of Infinity 80 1 1/401
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Antharas 79 1 - 3 25%
Lilim Guard Knight 78 1 1/401
Ritual Sacrifice 78 1 1/401
Nephilim Commander 78 1 1/401
Ritual Sacrifice 78 1 1/401
Ashuras of Destruction 78 1 1/401
Ritual Sacrifice 78 1 1/401
Messenger Invader Disciple 78 1 1/401
Messenger Invader Elite Soldier 78 1 1/401
Monastic Crusader 78 1 1/401
Forgotten Victim 78 1 1/401
Triol's Layperson 78 1 1/401
Doom Blade Tanatos 72 1 1/10
Korim 70 1 1/16
Flame of Splendor Barakiel 70 1 1/16
1 1/20

Success rate = 100%

1 Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(100%)
14 Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design
1 Leolin's Mold
160 Crafted Leather
16 Asofe
27 Crystal (A-Grade)
5 Gemstone A

Success rate < 100%

1 Recipe: Sealed Helm of Nightmare(60%)
14 Sealed Helm of Nightmare Design
1 Maestro Mold
80 Crafted Leather
8 Asofe
15 Crystal (A-Grade)
5 Gemstone A