Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet Pattern High Five

Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Draconic Leather Helmet. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.

Item information

Item ID 6710
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_pouch_brown_i00 icon.etc_pouch_brown_i00
etcitem_type MATERIAL
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 60
price 12329
is_stackable true
NPC Level Count Chance
Baylor's Treasure Chest 83 11 - 31 40.884%
Epidos 82 116 - 346 1/6
Lost Captain 81 116 - 346 1/17
Hannibal 81 116 - 346 1/11
Darnel 81 11 - 31 40.4585%
Romerohiv 81 11 - 31 24.7117%
Awakened Ancient Executor 81 11 - 31 24.7117%
Varka's Chief Horus 80 11 - 31 40.4585%
Shadow of Halisha 80 11 - 31 24.7117%
Shadow of Halisha 80 11 - 31 40.4585%
Queen Shyeed 80 11 - 31 40.4585%
Longhorn Golkonda 79 116 - 346 1/17
Assassin Beetle 78 1 49.6564%
Durango the Crusher 77 9 - 27 1/7
Immortal Muus 77 9 - 27 1/7
Ocean Flame Ashakiel 76 126 - 378 1/7
Storm Winged Naga 75 11 - 31 40.4585%
Plague Golem 73 11 - 31 40.4585%
NPC Level Count Chance
Native Elite Soldier 86 1 1/21
Beleth's Assassin 83 1 - 3 86.8348%
Labyrinth Mystic 83 1 20.0569%
Remnant Diabolist 81 1 49.53%
Tyrannosaurus 80 1 - 7 79.7242%
Ketra Prophet 78 1 1/6
Ashuras of Destruction 78 1 32.8015%
Grazing Elder Antelope 78 1 1/11
Lavasillisk 78 1 34.3236%
Messenger Invader Warrior 78 1 1/9
Triol's High Priest 78 1 24.3157%
Boom Golem 72 1 1/10