Imbue Dark Seed Level 7 High Five
Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 83 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body.
Skill information
skill_name | s_imbue_dark_seed7 |
skill_id | 523 |
level | 7 |
operate_type | A2 |
magic_level | 74 |
effect | {t_hp;-83;5;diff} |
mp_consume2 | 30 |
cast_range | 40 |
effective_range | 400 |
skill_hit_time | 1.8 |
skill_cool_time | 0.72 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
reuse_delay | 15 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_bleed |
effect_point | -333 |
target_type | enemy_only |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | attack |
ride_state | @ride_none |
olympiad_use | 1 |
end_effect | {i_call_skill;[s_end_dark_seed7]} |
activate_rate | 80 |
lv_bonus_rate | 2 |
basic_property | con |
abnormal_time | 20 |
abnormal_lv | 8 |
abnormal_type | dark_seed |
debuff | 1 |
abnormal_visual_effect | ave_dot_bleeding |
item_consume | [dark_seed];1 |
icon |
Skill Levels
Imbue Dark Seed Level 1 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 76 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
Imbue Dark Seed Level 2 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 76 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
Imbue Dark Seed Level 3 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 76 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
Imbue Dark Seed Level 4 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 76 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
Imbue Dark Seed Level 5 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 83 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
Imbue Dark Seed Level 6 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 83 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |
[selected] Imbue Dark Seed Level 7 Plants a Seed of Darkness in an enemy's body. For 20 seconds, 83 HP is consumed per second. Once fully grown, the seed paralyzes the host body. |