Nassen's Earring Gemstone High Five

A key material that Dwarves use to make Nassen's Earring. Can be sold in any shop.

Item information

Item ID 1918
Type EtcItem
icon icon.etc_gem_red_i00
etcitem_type MATERIAL
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 60
price 4618
is_stackable true


NPC Level Count Chance
Oel Mahum Witch Doctor 55 1 31.6216%
Tomb Archon 55 1 31.6216%
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 55 1 31.6216%
Baby Panthera 55 1 31.6216%
Lost Gargoyle 55 1 31.6216%
Massive Lost Bandersnatch 54 1 31.6216%
Purgatory Invader Magus 53 1 31.6216%
Lost Captain 49 81 - 243 1/6
Katu Van Leader Atui 49 81 - 243 1/12
81 - 243 1/18


NPC Level Count Chance
Tomb Archon 55 1 20.1354%
Lost Gargoyle 55 1 1/17
Kertang's Messenger 55 1 1/12
Soul of Ruins 54 1 1/13
Dustwind Gargoyle 53 1 1/12
Valley Treant Elder 53 1 21.5903%
Doll Blader 53 1 1/11
Harit Lizardman Warrior 53 1 1/13
Doll Blader 53 1 1/8
Tortured Undead 53 1 1/14
Crimson Doll Blader 53 1 24.0271%
Doll Blader 53 1 1/15
Horrifying Ginzu Golem V 53 1 26.0288%
Pobby's Maid 53 1 1/23
Sairon's Doll 53 1 1/6
Roving Soul 53 1 1/12


Used for craft

Nassen's Earring 100%