Eminence Bow High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Miser or Cheap Shot.

Item information

Item ID 286
Type Weapon
icon icon weapon_eminence_bow_i00 icon.weapon_eminence_bow_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type BOW
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 5
attack_range 500
damage_range 0;0;10;0
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 1885
crystal_type C
weight 1720
price 4713500
change_weaponId 9300
soulshots 10
spiritshots 3
mp_consume 3
enchant_enabled 1
reuse_delay 1500
NPC Level Count Chance
Zaken 60 1 1/8
Harit Lizardman Matriarch 55 1 1/109
Taik Orc Supply Leader 55 1 1/109
Pobby Escort 55 1 1/109
Wretched Archer 55 1 1/109
Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 55 1 1/109
Purgatory Invader Archer 53 1 1/109
Lost Captain 49 1 1/6
Katu Van Leader Atui 49 1 1/19
1 1/25

Success rate = 100%

11 Eminence Bow Shaft
120 Mithril Alloy
24 Compound Braid
24 High-Grade Suede
144 Metal Hardener
420 Crystal (C-Grade)
248 Gemstone C