Tallum Glaive High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Guidance, Health, or Wide Blow.

Item information

Item ID 305
Type Weapon
icon icon.weapon_tallum_glaive_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type POLE
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 10
attack_range 80
damage_range 0;0;66;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 1659
crystal_type A
weight 1840
price 20741000
soulshots 1
spiritshots 1
enchant_enabled 1
item_skill 3599-1


NPC Level Count Chance
Beleth's Follower 83 1 1/285
Plaza Caiman 82 1 1/285
Spinel 82 1 1/285
Fire Opal 82 1 1/285
Remnant Diviner 81 1 1/371
Quarry Supervisor 81 1 1/285
Antharas 79 1 - 2 20%
Antharas 79 1 - 2 20%
Antharas 79 1 - 2 20%
Scarlet Stakato Noble 78 1 1/285
Messenger Invader Soldier 78 1 1/285
Solina Lay Brother 78 1 1/285
Old Aristocrat's Soldier 78 1 1/285
Antharas Priest Cloe 74 1 1/13
Shilen's Messenger Cabrio 70 1 1/13
Korim 70 1 1/13
Meanas Anor 70 1 1/13
1 1/47


Success rate = 100%

1 Recipe: Tallum Glaive(100%)
14 Tallum Glaive Edge
3 Warsmith's Holder
292 Mithril Alloy
146 Synthetic Cokes
73 High-Grade Suede
73 Enria
292 Durable Metal Plate
366 Crystal (A-Grade)
74 Gemstone A

Success rate < 100%

1 Recipe: Tallum Glaive(60%)
14 Tallum Glaive Edge
4 Maestro Holder
148 Mithril Alloy
74 Synthetic Cokes
37 High-Grade Suede
37 Enria
148 Durable Metal Plate
193 Crystal (A-Grade)
74 Gemstone A