Sealed Dynasty Stockings High Five

Sealed Dynasty Stockings. Seal can be removed by the Blacksmith of Mammon or Maestro Ishuma.

Item information

Item ID 9525
Type Armor
icon icon armor_t93_l_i02 icon.armor_t93_l_i02
default_action EQUIP
armor_type MAGIC
bodypart legs
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 549
crystal_type S
weight 860
price 11436000
element_enabled true
enchant_enabled 1
NPC Level Count Chance
Queen Shyeed 84 1 1/81
Mutant Warrior 84 1 1/381
Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 83 1 1/381
Sentinel Waterspirit 83 1 1/381
Grave Robber Warrior of Light 82 1 1/381
Ragna Orc Commander 82 1 1/381
Turka Follower's Ghost 82 1 1/381
Invader Elite Soldier of Nightmare 81 1 1/381
Cursed Lord 80 1 1/381

Success rate < 100%

1 Recipe: Sealed Dynasty Stockings (60%)
18 Sealed Dynasty Stocking Piece
1 Leolin's Mold
290 Crafted Leather
174 Metallic Fiber
58 Asofe
29 Orichalcum
40 Crystal (S-Grade)
8 Gemstone S