NPC - Forgotten Ancient People High Five

NPC information

General Information
ID 20973 Level 77
Race GIANT Gender MALE
Collision Radius 50 Collision Height 44
HP 2857 MP 1574
HP Regen 9 MP Regen 3
Exp 5 SP 3281
Physical Attack 856 Magical Attack 585
Physical Defence 328 Magical Defence 240
Critical 1 Speed Walk / Run 15 / 180
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type BLUNT Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 40 DEX 30 CON 43
INT 21 WIT 20 MEN 20
Attack Type none Power -
Defence Fire 20 Defence Water 20
Defence Wind 20 Defence Earth 20
Defence Holy 20 Defence Dark 20
Item Grade Count Chance
4332 - 8850 100%
Common Item - Sealed Phoenix Earring
Sealed Phoenix Earring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +3 and Max MP +20.
1 1/26
Sealed Phoenix Earring Gemstone
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Earring. It can be sold at any store.
1 27.6997%
Common Item - Sealed Phoenix Necklace
Sealed Phoenix Necklace with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +4 and Max MP +26.
1 1/34
Sealed Phoenix Necklace Beads
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Necklace. It can be sold at any store.
1 21.4129%
Common Item - Sealed Phoenix Ring
Sealed Phoenix Ring with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, soul storing, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item. Effects upon seal release are M. Def. +2 and Max MP +13.
1 1/17
Sealed Phoenix Ring Gemstone
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make a Sealed Phoenix Ring. It can be sold at any store.
1 38.3122%
Animal Bone
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 - 3 49.8048%
Animal Skin
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 - 3 33.2032%
Coarse Bone Powder
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 1/10
Stone of Purity
A material used to make Dwarven items. Can be sold in any shop.
1 1/20
Mold Hardener
Ingredient for making upper garment tools. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
1 1/154
Recipe: Blue Wolf Gaiters (60%)
For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Blue Wolf Gaiters. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 7. The success rate is 60%.
1 1/269
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Men-4>
Greater Dye of WIT <Wit+4 Men-4>. Collect and take 10 units of this type of magical dye to the symbol maker in town and you will receive a symbol that boosts your abilities tattooed onto your body. Can be used by the Wizard class and the Healer class after completion of their second class transfer, and can be kept and used after the completion of the third class transfer as well.
1 1/971
Recipe: Spiritual Eye (60%)
This formula for the Spiritual Eye can only be used by Dwarves and requires a Create Item - Skill Level 7. The success rate is 60%.
1 1/2451
Life Stone - Level 70
An ordinary mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 70 and above.
1 1/145
Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 70
A mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 70 and above.
1 1/578
High-Grade Life Stone - Level 70
A high-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 70 and above.
1 1/5780
Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 70
The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 70 and above.
1 1/28571
Item Grade Count Chance
Blue Wolf Breastplate Part
Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Blue Wolf Breastplate. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
1 1/8
Recipe: Blessed Spiritshot (A) Compressed Package (100%)
For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Compressed Package of Blessed Spiritshots: Grade A. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 7. The success rate is 100%.
1 1/85
Sealed Dark Crystal Boots Lining
An essential ingredient needed by a Dwarf to make Sealed Dark Crystal Boots. It can be sold at a regular store.
1 20.6046%
Skill Level
HP Increase (3x) 11
MP Increase (1x) 1
Extremely Strong P. Atk. 19
Average M. Atk. 11
Average P. Def. 11
Extremely Strong M. Def. 18
Heavy Armor Type 1
Strong P. Def. and weak Evasion.
Blunt Weapons 5
Giants 11
This race looks similar to a humanoid, but they are approximately 2-3 times in size. This includes the ancient Giants who once ruled the continent, their descendants, and even the monsters that have regressed and in whom only a small fragment of the race's history remains.
Higher Resist Bow/Crossbow Weapons 2
Highly resistant to Bow/Crossbow attacks.
Poison 8
A toxin that gradually reduces HP. Effect 8.
Short-Range Physical Attack Weakness 9
Renders target vulnerable to short-range physical attacks.
Searching Master 1
Directly attacks a pet's master or summoner.

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