Common Item - Sealed Gauntlet of Nightmare High Five

Sealed Gauntlet of Nightmare with limited power enhancement. Enchantment, storing souls, and augmenting are impossible. The blacksmith in a village can release the seal on this item.

Item ID 12264
Type Armor
icon icon armor_t80_g_i02 icon.armor_t80_g_i02
default_action EQUIP
bodypart gloves
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 6
crystal_type A
material LEATHER
weight 183
price 73500

NPC Level Count Chance
race giant Giant's Shadow 78 1 1/29
race plant Grazing Flava 78 1 1/29
race demonic Iblis of Destruction 78 1 1/29
race undead Knight of Empire 78 1 1/29
race undead Knight of Empire 78 1 1/29
race construct Treasure Chest 78 1 1/29