Sealed Moirai Leather Legging Piece High Five

An essential ingredient that a Dwarf needs to make a Sealed Moirai Leather Leggings. It can be sold at ordinary stores.

Item ID 15652
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_sealed_bluelycan_leather_legging_piece_i00 icon.etc_sealed_bluelycan_leather_legging_piece_I00
etcitem_type MATERIAL
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 60
price 38400
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Tanta Lizardman Summoner 84 1 30.858%
race humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer 84 1 61.7161%
race construct Tully's Toy 83 1 61.7161%
race construct Tully's Golem Guard 83 1 61.7161%
race demonic Slave of Greed 83 1 99.7573%
race divine Kanadis Guide 80 4 - 12 73.51%

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Tanta Lizardman Summoner 84 1 1/67
race humanoid Sel Mahum Training Officer 84 1 1/50
race construct Tully's Toy 83 1 1/36
race construct Tully's Golem Guard 83 1 21.1197%
race demonic Slave of Greed 83 1 1/20