Recipe: Soulshot (B-Grade) High Five

For Dwarves only. The recipe for a soulshot-Grade B. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 6. The success rate is 100%.

Item ID 1806
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_recipe_red_i00 icon.etc_recipe_red_i00
default_action RECIPE
etcitem_type RECIPE
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 30
price 100000
recipe_id 22
is_stackable true
handler Recipes

NPC Level Count Chance
race construct Lost Gargoyle Youngling 56 1 1/1083
race beast Kertang's Messenger 55 1 1/1471
race construct Lost Gargoyle 55 1 1/1083
race humanoid Oel Mahum 53 1 1/1661
race plant Pobby's Maid 53 1 1/1488
race undead Roving Soul 53 1 1/1318
race construct Purgatory Wisp 53 1 1/1481
race demonic Crimson Doll Blader 53 1 1/75
race construct Horrifying Ginzu Golem V 53 1 1/467

NPC Level Count Chance
race demonic Blood Queen 60 1 1/92
race undead Sepulcher Archon 55 1 1/108
race humanoid Fallen Orc 55 1 1/282
race beast Kertang's Messenger 55 1 1/265
race demonic Veil Master 54 1 1/331
race divine Nephilim Swordsman 54 1 1/95
race giant Connabi 54 1 1/334
race dragon Thunder Wyrm 54 1 1/290
race demonic Veil Master 54 1 1/244
race humanoid Oel Mahum Warrior 54 1 1/354
race demonic Sairon 54 1 1/112
race demonic Veil Master 54 1 1/172
race fairy Satyr Elder 54 1 1/108
race humanoid Harit Lizardman Shaman 54 1 1/293
race construct Grave Guard 54 1 1/290
race construct Marsh Stalker 54 1 1/296
race demonic Lilim Knight-Errant 54 1 1/95
race humanoid Oel Mahum 53 1 1/308
race demonic Crimson Doll Blader 53 1 1/90
race plant Pobby's Maid 53 1 1/494
race demonic Sairon's Puppet 53 1 1/113
race construct Horrifying Ginzu Golem V 53 1 1/83
race construct Purgatory Wisp 53 1 1/122