Recipe: Oriharukon High Five

For Dwarves only. The recipe for Oriharukon. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 4. The success rate is 100%.

Item ID 1825
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_recipe_blue_i00 icon.etc_recipe_blue_i00
default_action RECIPE
etcitem_type RECIPE
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 30
price 2800
recipe_id 27
is_stackable true
handler Recipes

NPC Level Count Chance
race undead Dark Corpse 40 1 1/32
race bug Noble Ant 37 1 1/8
race demonic Vault Monk 37 1 1/27
race bug Cave Ant 37 1 1/41
race humanoid Bandit Inspector 37 1 1/41

NPC Level Count Chance
race undead Zaken's Pikeman 43 1 1/9
race undead Zaken's Pikeman 43 1 1/7
race undead Zaken's Pikeman 43 1 1/13
race construct Manashen Gargoyle 40 1 1/13
race humanoid Leto Lizardman Overlord 40 1 1/8
race giant Karul Bugbear 40 1 1/13
race demonic Lith Patrolman 39 1 1/6
race humanoid Shaman of the Plains 39 1 1/10
race divine Gigant Raider 39 1 1/6
race animal Hatu Crimson Bear 38 1 1/26
race bug Noble Ant Leader 38 1 1/10
race undead Fettered Soul 38 1 1/8
race humanoid Lageos 38 1 1/13
race humanoid Catacomb Stakato Soldier 38 1 1/7
race humanoid Crokian Warrior 38 1 1/8
race bug Cave Ant 37 1 1/11
race bug Wasp Leader 37 1 1/39
race humanoid Bandit Inspector 37 1 1/16
race demonic Vault Monk 37 1 1/7
race demonic Grave Monk 37 1 1/7