Relic of the Saints High Five

Item ID 310
Type Weapon
icon icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 icon.weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type ETC
bodypart rhand
random_damage 10
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;40;120
immediate_effect true
material STEEL
weight 610
price 105000
soulshots 2
spiritshots 2
is_magic_weapon true

NPC Level Count Chance
race undead Ghost 20 1 50%
race elemental Lirein Elder 19 1 50%
race undead Skeleton Tracker Leader 18 1 50%
race animal Red Eye Barbed Bat 18 1 50%
race elemental Scarlet Salamander 17 1 50%