Composite Shield Fragment High Five

Main ingredient definitely required for a Dwarf to make Composite Shield. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.

Item ID 4055
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_plate_silver_i00 icon.etc_plate_silver_i00
etcitem_type MATERIAL
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 60
price 3120
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race giant Sanhidro 52 1 29.2233%
race undead Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body 52 1 29.2233%
race undead Headless Knight 50 1 29.2233%
race construct Purgatory Invader Food 50 1 29.2233%
race construct Iron Giant Totem 45 116 - 346 1/12
race construct Archon Suscepter 45 116 - 346 1/19
race undead Dread Avenger Kraven 44 116 - 346 1/19

Used for craft

icon shield_composite_shield_i00 Composite Shield 100%