Recipe: Soulshot (S) Compressed Package (100%) High Five

For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Compressed Package of Soulshots: Grade S. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 8. The success rate is 100%.

Item ID 5157
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_recipe_black_i00 icon.etc_recipe_black_i00
default_action RECIPE
etcitem_type RECIPE
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 30
price 450000
recipe_id 484
is_stackable true
handler Recipes

NPC Level Count Chance
race undead Mutant Soldier 84 1 1/737
race demonic Nihil Invader Warrior 82 1 1/415
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 1/737
race giant Barif 82 1 1/623
race demonic Varangka's Destroyer 82 1 1/737
race demonic Servitor of Darkness 81 1 1/1748
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Captain 78 1 1/2304
race undead Body Severer 78 1 1/500
race dragon Magma Drake 78 1 1/802
race bug Carrion Scarab 78 1 1/3937
race bug Carrion Scarab 78 1 1/3937
race humanoid Varka Silenos Recruit 77 1 1/3968
race divine Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/2123
race divine Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/2123
race undead Shrine Guard 75 1 1/5882
race animal Hot Springs Antelope 74 1 1/4566
race beast Buffalo Slave 72 1 1/3717
race demonic Vampire Warrior 72 1 1/7937

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 1/129
race construct Spinel 82 1 1/374
race elemental Guardian of the Emerald 82 1 1/81
race demonic Flame Iris 82 1 1/439
race demonic Beleth's Minion 82 1 1/688
race undead Turka Follower's Ghost 82 1 1/175
race humanoid Emerald Alligar 82 1 1/1190
race humanoid Male Spiked Stakato 82 1 1/131
race undead Nihil Invader Destroyer 82 1 1/80
race construct Gamlin 81 1 1/443
race dragon Dragon Steed Troop Magic Leader 81 1 1/77
race demonic Servitor of Darkness 81 1 1/710
race dragon Dragon Steed Troop Magic Leader 81 1 1/118
race humanoid Ragna Orc Healer 81 1 1/661
race dragon Dragon Steed Troop Captain #1 81 1 1/43
race construct Imagro 80 1 1/453
race construct Kleopora 80 1 1/917
race demonic Ashuras 78 1 1/204
race demonic Ashuras 78 1 1/217
race demonic Arimanes of Destruction 78 1 1/163
race bug Assassin Beetle 78 1 1/231
race beast Grazing Bandersnatch 78 1 1/462
race bug Assassin Beetle 78 1 1/199
race humanoid Triol's Believer 78 1 1/208
race bug Soldier Scarab 78 1 1/195
race bug Soldier Scarab 78 1 1/223
race bug Katraxis 78 1 1/263
race bug Katraxis 78 1 1/228
race humanoid Varka Silenos Recruit 77 1 1/381
race humanoid Fanatic of Infinity 76 1 1/113
race plant Hot Springs Nepenthes 75 1 1/319
race humanoid Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 75 1 1/235
race construct Micro Scout Golem 72 1 1/521