Recipe: Spiritshot (S) Compressed Package (100%) High Five

For Dwarves only. The recipe for the Compressed Package of Spiritshots: Grade S. Requires Create Item - Skill Level 8. The success rate is 100%.

Item ID 5162
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_recipe_black_i00 icon.etc_recipe_black_i00
default_action RECIPE
etcitem_type RECIPE
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 30
price 450000
recipe_id 489
is_stackable true
handler Recipes

NPC Level Count Chance
race demonic Mutant Disciple 84 1 1/170
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 1/623
race humanoid Mucrokian Fanatic 83 1 1/802
race demonic Nihil Invader Healer 82 1 1/415
race construct Barif's Pet 81 1 1/269
race demonic Servitor of Darkness 81 1 1/603
race humanoid Contaminated Morek Warrior 81 1 1/737
race humanoid Varka Silenos Footman 77 1 1/5464
race undead Dark Omen Invader Soldier 75 1 1/3704
race humanoid Needle Stakato Drone 74 1 1/4950
race undead Dark Omen Invader Warrior 73 1 1/1808
race construct Eye of Watchman 73 1 1/3012
race demonic Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/6579
race demonic Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/6579
race demonic Vampire Warlord 73 1 1/6579
race construct Eye of Guide 72 1 1/833

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Male Spiked Stakato 83 1 1/88
race undead Nihil Invader Assassin 82 1 1/164
race construct Reef Golem 82 1 1/150
race construct Kechi's Captain 82 1 1/347
race bug Earthworm's Descendant 82 1 1/617
race demonic Beleth's Minion 82 1 1/697
race humanoid Ragna Orc Seer 82 1 1/719
race undead Turka Commander's Ghost 82 1 1/181
race construct Leogul 81 1 1/443
race demonic Servitor of Darkness 81 1 1/757
race elemental Naiad 81 1 1/877
race dragon White Dragon Leader 81 1 1/58
race humanoid Chromatic Detainee 81 1 1/424
race construct Hamlet 80 1 1/439
race dragon Dragon Steed Troop Magic Soldier 80 1 1/180
race giant Klennot 80 1 1/427
race dragon Dragon Steed Troop Magic Soldier 80 1 1/104
race demonic Balrog of Destruction 78 1 1/172
race undead Messenger Invader Priest 78 1 1/454
race humanoid Ketra Orc Shaman 78 1 1/396
race undead Ritual Sacrifice 78 1 1/248
race humanoid Varka Silenos Medium 78 1 1/223
race undead Ritual Sacrifice 78 1 1/248
race undead Knight of Destruction 78 1 1/175
race demonic Dancer of Empire 78 1 1/189
race demonic Dancer of Empire 78 1 1/178
race humanoid Scarlet Stakato Soldier 78 1 1/228
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Drone 77 1 1/277
race humanoid Zealot of Infinity 77 1 1/122
race animal Grazing Antelope 77 1 1/714
race divine Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/197
race divine Disciples of Authority 76 1 1/213
race undead Shrine Knight 75 1 1/654
race construct Great Chaos Golem 73 1 1/298
race construct Cruel Pincer Golem 72 1 1/1166