Infinity Fang High Five

Divine hero's weapon. During a critical attack, inflicts stun on the target. Also has a chance of causing skill reflect and increasing Max HP/Max MP/Max CP and evasion. Adds holy P. Atk. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.

Item ID 6618
Type Weapon
icon icon weapon_the_fist_of_hero_i00 icon.weapon_the_fist_of_hero_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type DUALFIST
bodypart lrhand
random_damage 5
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;32;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_type S
weight 1300
soulshots 1
spiritshots 1
is_tradable false
is_dropable false
is_destroyable false
is_sellable false
is_depositable false
is_oly_restricted true
oncrit_skill 3588-1
item_skill 3587-1