NPC - Patriarch Kuroboros Raid Boss High Five

Raid Boss

General Information
ID 25365 Level 26
Collision Radius 12 Collision Height 34.5
HP 90072 MP 273
HP Regen 47 MP Regen 1.5
Exp 3680 SP 84828
Physical Attack 161 Magical Attack 20
Physical Defence 315 Magical Defence 154
Critical 4 Speed Walk / Run 52 / 190
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type SWORD Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 60 DEX 73 CON 57
INT 76 WIT 70 MEN 80
Attack Type none Power -
Defence Fire 20 Defence Water 20
Defence Wind 20 Defence Earth 20
Defence Holy 20 Defence Dark 20

Item Grade Count Chance
icon armor_t41_u_i00 Tunic of Knowledge
2 - 4 29.4331%
icon armor_t41_l_i00 Stockings of Knowledge
1 - 3 70.5669%
icon weapon_war_hammer_i00 War Hammer
1 50%
icon weapon_dwarven_pike_i00 Dwarven Pike
1 50%
icon etc_scroll_of_resurrection_pet_i01 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection for Pets
A magic scroll that resurrects a dead pet and restores its Exp. completely.
12 - 36 100%

Skill Level
icon skill0000 Resist Full Magic Attack 1
icon skill0000 BOSS Shield 2
icon skill0000 BOSS Cancel Magic 2
icon skill0000 HP Increase (1x) 1
icon skill0000 MP Increase (1x) 1
icon skill0000 Average P. Atk. 11
icon skill0000 Average M. Atk. 11
icon skill0000 Average P. Def. 11
icon skill0000 Average M. Def. 11
icon skill0000 Standard Type 2
icon skill0000 One-handed Sword 3
icon skill4295 Humanoids 6
They have two arms, two legs, and they walk upright. Culture and communal life varies by race.
icon skillraid Raid Boss 1
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
icon skill0000 BOSS Strike 2
icon skill0000 BOSS Spinning Slash 2
icon skillraid Raid Boss - Level 26 1
This Patriarch appeared suddenly, prophesying that he would become the Great Lizardman Conqueror. His powerful personal presence is gradually undermining the prevailing worship of Serpent Demon Bifrons. His promise that anyone can become a conqueror through him has gained him a large and growing group of followers.