Continuously inflicts powerful Water damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol.
skill_name | s_tsunami1 |
skill_id | 1421 |
level | 1 |
operate_type | CA1 |
magic_level | 80 |
is_magic | 1 |
cast_range | 900 |
effective_range | 1000 |
skill_hit_time | 15 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 4 |
reuse_delay | 1800 |
attribute | attr_water;20 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | -676 |
target_type | ground |
affect_scope | point_blank |
affect_limit | 15;25 |
next_action | none |
ride_state | @ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf |
mp_consume1 | 36 |
reuse_delay_lock | 1 |
affect_range | 200 |
affect_object | not_friend |
item_consume | [magic_symbol];1 |
tick_interval | 2 |
mp_consume_tick | 80 |
start_effect | {i_dispel_by_slot_myself;magical_stance};{i_m_attack;500} |
tick_effect | {i_m_attack;500} |
icon | ![]() |
![]() |
[selected] Raging Waves Level 1 Continuously inflicts powerful Water damage. User cannot move while casting, and there is additional MP consumption each time the effect occurs. Consumes 1 Magic Symbol. |