You have made the contract of gluttony with the devil. Everything you eat is good for your strength.
skill_name | s_sinslave_gluttony_chain_buff_melee_attack_resistance1 |
skill_id | 5525 |
level | 1 |
operate_type | A2 |
magic_level | -1 |
effect | {p_physical_defence;{all};15;per};{p_defence_trait;trait_sword;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_pole;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_blunt;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_dagger;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_fist;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_dual;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_dualfist;25};{p_defence_trait;trait_dualdagger;25} |
is_magic | 1 |
cast_range | 400 |
effective_range | 900 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | 1 |
target_type | target |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | none |
ride_state | @ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf |
olympiad_use | 1 |
activate_rate | -1 |
basic_property | none |
abnormal_time | 60 |
abnormal_lv | 1 |
abnormal_type | pd_up |
icon | skill0000 |
[selected] Chain Buff - Resistance to Melee Attacks Level 1 You have made the contract of gluttony with the devil. Everything you eat is good for your strength. |