Skills - Page 7 High Five

none ID 397
none ID 398
none ID 399
Tribunal ID 400
Inflicts holy damage on an enemy with 924 Power added to P. Atk. and greatly provokes an enemy. For 30 seconds, decreases Critical Rate by 30% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 12. Requires a sword or blunt weapon to be equipped. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Judgment ID 401
Inflicts dark damage on an enemy with 1056 Power added to P. Atk. and greatly provokes an enemy. For 30 seconds, decreases Critical Damage by 25% and resistance to every type of close range weapon by 12. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or dualsword. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
Arrest ID 402
Provokes an enemy to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds.
Shackle ID 403
Provokes an enemy to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds.
Mass Shackling ID 404
Provokes nearby enemies to attack, then immobilizes them for 10 seconds.
Banish Undead ID 405
Fills undead with fear, causing them to flee for 20 seconds. Consumes 6 Soul Ore. Lethal strike is possible.
Angelic Icon ID 406
Channels the gods' strength to greatly increase user's combat effectiveness. For 1 minute, increases resistance to de-buff attacks by 40%, P. Def. by 50%, M. Def. by 50%, Accuracy by 6 when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, Speed by 10, Atk. Spd. by 10% when a sword/blunt weapon is equipped, Critical Rate by 33 when a sword is equipped, Critical Damage by 33% when a blunt weapon is equipped, and resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%. Decreases the effect of recovery magic by 80%. Available when HP is 30% or lower.
Psycho Symphony ID 407
Attacks nearby enemies with 687 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases Speed/Atk. Spd./Casting Spd. by 10% for 10 seconds. Over-hit. Critical.
Demonic Blade Dance ID 408
Attacks nearby enemies with 825 Power added to P. Atk. and decreases P. Atk./M. Atk. by 10% for 10 seconds. Over-hit. Critical.
Critical Blow ID 409
Attacks the target's vital points with 1832 Power added to P. Atk. Increases the user's success rate of vital point attacks by 10% for 15 seconds. Requires a dagger. Over-hit. Half-kill.
Mortal Strike ID 410
Increases the user's success rate of vital point attacks by 10% for 2 minutes. Requires a dagger.
Stealth ID 411
Prevents being pre-emptively attacked by monsters for 2 minutes, and decreases Evasion by 12, P. Def. by 45%, M. Def. by 45%, Accuracy by 12 and P. Atk. by 45%.
Sand Bomb ID 412
Detonates a sand bomb to decrease an enemy's Accuracy by 6 for 30 seconds.
Rapid Fire ID 413
For 2 minutes, increases P. Atk. by 62 and Atk. Spd. by 20%. Decreases range by 50%. Requires a bow.
Dead Eye ID 414
For 2 minutes, when using a bow, increases one's own Accuracy by 1, P. Atk. by 124, and Critical Damage by 20%. Decreases Atk. Spd. by 10%. Requires a bow.
Spirit of Sagittarius ID 415
Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 10% for 20 minutes.
Blessing of Sagittarius ID 416
Decreases physical skill re-use time by 10% for 20 minutes.
Pain of Sagittarius ID 417
Sacrifices the user's HP to regenerate MP with 36 Power.
Quiver of Holding ID 418
Weight limit is increased by 30%.
Summon Treasure Key ID 419
Creates 1 Maestro's Key. Consumes 2 Thief Keys.
Zealot ID 420
Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 10, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword, blunt weapon or spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 10%, Critical Rate by 33 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 33% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower.
Fell Swoop ID 421
For 2 minutes, increases the number of simultaneous targets by 1. Requires a polearm.
Polearm Accuracy ID 422
Increases Accuracy by 2 when using a spear. Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
Dark Form ID 423
For 5 minutes, increases the user's Fire P. Atk. by 10 and resistance to Fire by 3.
War Frenzy ID 424
Increases resistance to Stun attacks by 5 and resistance to Sleep attacks by 10. Continuously consumes MP proportionately to the user's level.
Hawk Spirit Totem ID 425
Becomes possessed by a Hawk's soul. For 5 minutes, when using a hand-to-hand combat weapon, increases Accuracy by 6, Critical Rate by 100, and Critical Damage by 30%. Requires a hand-to-hand combat weapon.
Battle Force ID 426
Transfers your strength to a party member. The effect can be canceled if you incur damage.
Spell Force ID 427
Transfers your M. Atk.s to a party member. The effect can be canceled if you incur damage.
Inner Rhythm ID 428
MP consumption for song and dance is decreased by 10%.
Knighthood ID 429
Increases P. Def. by 87.1 and Shield Defense by 10 when equipped with heavy armor.
Master of Combat ID 430
Increases Max CP by 5%, and when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/dualsword/hand-to-hand combat weapon, increases P. Atk. by 80.
Archery ID 431
When using a bow, increases P. Atk. by 200 and maximum range by 50.
Assassination ID 432
When using a dagger, increases P. Atk. by 70 and Critical Rate by 3%.
Arcane Roar ID 433
Increases resistance to Fire, Water, Wind or Earth damage by 5 and M. Atk. by 3%.
Necromancy ID 434
Increases resistance to dark damage by 10 and M. Atk. by 3%.
Summon Lore ID 435
When equipped with light armor, increases P. Def. by 80 and Casting Spd. by 5%. When equipped with a robe, increases P. Def. by 60 and Casting Spd. by 7%, and decreases MP consumption for magic skills by 3%.
Divine Lore ID 436
MP consumption for magical skills is decreased by 5%.
Song of Silence ID 437
Weaves a mystical song that blocks all an enemy's physical and magical skills for 2 minutes.
Soul of the Phoenix ID 438
Maintains buffs and de-buffs even after death. The Blessing of Noblesse and the Amulet of Luck disappear, however. Consumes 1 Blood of the Phoenix.
Shield of Revenge ID 439
For 5 minutes, returns damage from close range physical attacks and skills back to the opponent at a fixed rate.
Braveheart ID 440
Increases combat spirit to recover CP by 1000.
Force Meditation ID 441
Uses chi energy to recover 60 HP and 10 MP per second for 1 minute. While skill is in effect, user is unable to move, and P. Def. is decreased by 80%. The effect is canceled if user is stunned. Must recharge 3rd energy stage.
Sonic Barrier ID 442
Uses sword energy make user invincible against standard targets, skills and de-buffs for 10 seconds. Requires a dualsword. Requires 5th stage Sword Energy.
Force Barrier ID 443
Makes user invincible against standard targets, skills and de-buffs for 10 seconds. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Requires 4th stage Energy.
Sweeper Festival ID 444
When used on nearby corpses that are in a Spoil state, extra items may be obtained.
Mirage ID 445
For 1 minute, provides a chance to cancel the target of an attacking enemy.
Dodge ID 446
Allows user to evade short-range and long-range physical attack skills for 10 seconds.