NPC - Daimon the White-Eyed Raid Boss High Five

Raid Boss

General Information
ID 25290 Level 78
Collision Radius 21 Collision Height 55
HP 410601 MP 1607
HP Regen 127 MP Regen 3
Exp 879 SP 1193017
Physical Attack 2593 Magical Attack 930
Physical Defence 998 Magical Defence 487
Critical 1 Speed Walk / Run 30 / 190
Attack Speed 253 Cast Speed 333
Attack Type BLUNT Attack Range 40
Basic stats
STR 60 DEX 73 CON 57
INT 76 WIT 70 MEN 80
Attack Type none Power -
Defence Fire 20 Defence Water 20
Defence Wind 20 Defence Earth 20
Defence Holy 20 Defence Dark 20

Item Grade Count Chance
icon armor_t88_u_i02 Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate
Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
1 1/34
icon armor_t88_l_i02 Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters
Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.
1 1/22
icon etc_plate_silver_i00 Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate Part
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
8 - 22 65.924%
icon etc_pouch_brown_i00 Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters Pattern
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make the Sealed Imperial Crusader Gaiters. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
24 - 72 26.5193%
icon weapon_angel_slayer_i00 Angel Slayer
Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Damage, HP Drain or Haste.
1 1/20
icon etc_sword_body_i00 Angel Slayer Blade
Main ingredient required for a Dwarf to make a Angel Slayer. Can also be sold at ordinary shops.
12 - 36 95.0629%
icon etc_blessed_scrl_of_ench_am_s_i05 Blessed Scroll: Enchant Armor (S-Grade)
Increases P. Def. of S-Grade armor or accessory. Can be safely enchanted up to +3, although 1-piece armor can be enchanted up to +4. Also increases HP when armor is enchanted above +4.
1 1/7
icon etc_scroll_of_resurrection_i01 Blessed Scroll of Resurrection
A magic scroll that resurrects a dead character and restores his or her Exp. completely.
1 - 3 84.9057%

Skill Level
icon skill0000 Resist Full Magic Attack 1
icon skill1069 Sleep 8
You are in an unconscious state that prohibits movement.
icon skill1102 Decrease MP 8
Decreases the target's usable amount of MP. Effect 5.
icon skill0000 BOSS HP Drain 8
icon skill0000 HP Increase (1x) 1
icon skill0000 MP Increase (1x) 1
icon skill0000 Average P. Atk. 11
icon skill0000 Average M. Atk. 11
icon skill0000 Average P. Def. 11
icon skill0000 Average M. Def. 11
icon skill0000 Standard Type 2
icon skill0000 Blunt Weapons 5
icon skill4291 Magic Creatures 2
The common name for the biotechnological items of the Magic and Titan Ages. Their M. Atk. is generally strong and they sometimes use high-level magic, such as teleportation.
icon skillraid Raid Boss 1
If the person who made the greatest contribution is 3 or more levels higher than the raid monster, then the item/adena rewards will decrease. If the difference is 9 or more levels, the monster will drop nothing at all.
icon skillraid Raid Boss - Level 78 1
Created by the dark side of the God of Light, Einhasad, to punish the arrogance of the Giant Argos, this giant Monster Eye is set in the Wall of Argos. It controls other monster eyes in order to eradicate the eyes of Argos and thwart his plans.