Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate High Five

Sealed Imperial Crusader Breastplate. Its seal can be broken with the help of the Blacksmith of Mammon.

Item ID 6674
Type Armor
icon icon armor_t88_u_i02 icon.armor_t88_u_i02
default_action EQUIP
armor_type HEAVY
bodypart chest
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 613
crystal_type S
weight 7620
price 12781000
element_enabled true
enchant_enabled 1

NPC Level Count Chance
race demonic Draksius 82 1 1/34
race undead Karpencharr 81 1 1/80
race undead Hitchkarshiek 81 1 1/80
race demonic Shadow of Halisha 80 1 1/80
race divine Anais 80 1 1/89
race humanoid Varka's Hero Shadith 80 1 1/80
race dragon Antharas 79 1 1/7
race dragon Antharas 79 1 1/7
race dragon Antharas 79 1 1/7
race construct Elderly Lavasaurus 78 1 1/781
race construct Ancient Lavasaurus 78 1 1/781
race beast Lavasillisk 78 1 1/781
race construct Daimon the White-Eyed 78 1 1/34
race fairy Hestia, Guardian Deity of the Hot Springs 78 1 1/15
race plant Menacing Palatanos 75 1 1/15
race demonic Benom 75 1 1/38
race construct Scout-type Golem No. 28 72 1 38.4612%
race 1 1/122