Attacks an enemy with a devastating burst of wind energy. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Possible up to stage 8. Over-hit and critical hit are possible.
skill_name | s_force_rage1 |
skill_id | 346 |
level | 1 |
operate_type | A1 |
magic_level | 78 |
self_effect | {i_focus_energy;8} |
effect | {i_p_attack;0;10;0;0} |
operate_cond | {equip_weapon;{dualfist}} |
mp_consume2 | 5 |
cast_range | 600 |
effective_range | 1100 |
skill_hit_time | 1.5 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | -340 |
target_type | enemy |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | attack |
ride_state | @ride_none |
olympiad_use | 1 |
hp_consume | 50 |
icon | ![]() |
![]() |
[selected] Raging Force Level 1 Attacks an enemy with a devastating burst of wind energy. Requires a hand-to-hand weapon. Possible up to stage 8. Over-hit and critical hit are possible. |