Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. Decreases MP consumption by 2 and HP consumption by 3.
skill_name | s_zealot_cost10 |
skill_id | 420 |
level | 110 |
operate_type | A2 |
magic_level | 79 |
effect | {p_resist_abnormal_by_category;slot_debuff;-80;per};{p_hit;{sword;blunt;pole;dualfist};6;diff};{p_speed;{all};30;diff};{p_attack_speed_by_weapon;{sword;blunt;pole;dualfist};30;per};{p_critical_rate;{sword;pole};10;diff};{p_critical_damage;{blunt;dualfist};100;per};{p_magic_mp_cost;0;-50;per};{p_resist_dispel_by_category;slot_buff;-40;per};{p_heal_effect;{all};-50;per} |
operate_cond | {remain_hp_per;30;down} |
mp_consume2 | 113 |
cast_range | -1 |
effective_range | -1 |
skill_hit_time | 2 |
skill_hit_cancel_time | 0.5 |
reuse_delay | 300 |
attribute | attr_none;0 |
trait | trait_none |
effect_point | 655 |
target_type | self |
affect_scope | single |
affect_limit | 0;0 |
next_action | none |
ride_state | @ride_none |
olympiad_use | 1 |
activate_rate | -1 |
basic_property | none |
abnormal_time | 60 |
abnormal_lv | 3 |
abnormal_type | pd_up_special |
hp_consume | 170 |
icon | ![]() |
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Zealot Level 1 Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 10, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword, blunt weapon or spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 10%, Critical Rate by 33 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 33% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. |
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Zealot Level 2 Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 20, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 66 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 66% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. |
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Zealot Level 3 Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. |
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Zealot +1 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +2 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +3 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +4 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +5 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +6 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +7 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +8 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +9 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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[selected] Zealot +10 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +11 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +12 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +13 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +14 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +15 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +16 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +17 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +18 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +19 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +20 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +21 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +22 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +23 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +24 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +25 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +26 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +27 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +28 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +29 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +30 Cost Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Cost: Decreases MP consumption/HP. |
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Zealot +1 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 2 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +2 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 4 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +3 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 6 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +4 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 8 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +5 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 10 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +6 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 12 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +7 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 14 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +8 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 16 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +9 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 18 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +10 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 20 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +11 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 22 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +12 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 24 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +13 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 26 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +14 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 28 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +15 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 30 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +16 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 32 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +17 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 34 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +18 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 36 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +19 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 38 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +20 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 40 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +21 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 42 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +22 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 44 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +23 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 46 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +24 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 48 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +25 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 50 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +26 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 52 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +27 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 54 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +28 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 56 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +29 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 1 minute 58 seconds, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |
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Zealot +30 Time Channels the power of the user's guardian deity for 2 minute, increasing resistance to de-buff attacks by 80%, resistance to buff-canceling attacks by 40%, Speed by 30, Accuracy by 6 when using a sword/blunt weapon/spear/hand-to-hand weapon, Atk. Spd. by 20%, Critical Rate by 100 when using a sword/spear, and Critical Damage by 100% when using a blunt/hand-to-hand weapon. Decreases physical skill MP consumption by 50% and the power of received HP recovery magic by 50%. Available when HP is 30% or lower. Enchant Time: Increases duration. |