Craft - Club of Nature 100% High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Mental Shield, Magic Hold or Acumen.

Item ID 201
Item icon weapon_club_of_nature_i00 Club of Nature
Icon weapon_club_of_nature_i00
Consume MP 156
Success rate 100%
Skill icon skill0172 Create Item Level 5
Rare item production possible icon weapon_club_of_nature_i00 Club of Nature x2
icon etc_squares_gray_i00 10 Club of Nature Head
icon etc_oriharukon_i00 37 Oriharukon
icon etc_powder_white_i00 74 Coarse Bone Powder
icon etc_compound_braid_i00 37 Compound Braid
icon etc_plate_blue_i00 111 Metal Hardener
icon etc_crystal_green_i00 300 Crystal (C-Grade)
icon etc_crystal_ball_green_i00 166 Gemstone C