Metal Hardener High Five

Ingredient used by Dwarves. It is specifically designed to be used to create C-grade items. Available in general stores.

Item ID 5220
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_plate_blue_i00 icon.etc_plate_blue_i00
etcitem_type MATERIAL
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 2
price 5000
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race construct Tully's Golem Guard 83 5 - 15 1/26
race demonic Cosmic Lord 83 4 - 12 1/7
race demonic Slave of Lust 83 1 1/12
race demonic Junior Summoner 81 1 1/7
race humanoid Ketra Orc Shaman 78 1 1/45
race beast Grazing Buffalo 78 1 1/61
race beast Grazing Elder Buffalo 78 1 1/45
race undead Messenger Invader Soldier 78 1 1/33
race humanoid Triol's Layperson 78 1 1/21
race humanoid Varka Silenos Warrior 78 1 1/44
race construct Messenger Invader Food 78 1 1/47
race humanoid Triol's Priest 78 1 1/22
race undead Imperial Commander 78 1 1/19
race undead Imperial Commander 78 1 1/19
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Drone 77 1 1/33
race humanoid Varka Silenos Footman 77 1 1/61
race humanoid Male Spiked Stakato 74 1 1/19
race fairy Amon's Spirits 74 1 1/45
race humanoid Hames Orc Shaman 74 1 1/48
race construct Eye of Ruler 74 1 1/22
race demonic Vampire Soldier 71 1 1/77
race undead Dark Omen Invader Soldier 70 1 1/45
race undead Sepulcher Guard 70 1 1/45
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 1 23.4907%
race humanoid Frenzy Stakato Soldier 68 1 1/81
race construct Guillotine's Ghost 67 1 1/45
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 1 1/46
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 1 1/45
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 1 1/45
race undead Tomb Sage 67 1 1/54
race undead Resurrected Guard 66 1 1/66
race undead Resurrected Guard 66 1 1/66
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 1 1/81
race giant Lesser Giant Elder 65 1 1/73
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Berserker 65 1 1/81
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 1 1/81
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 1 1/66
race demonic Archer of Abyss 65 1 1/30
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 65 1 1/30
race divine Victory of Splendor 64 1 1/35
race undead Past Knight 64 1 1/51
race undead Hallate's Warrior 64 1 1/46
race humanoid Raider of Pastureland 64 1 1/81
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Warrior 63 1 1/45
race undead Spiteful Soul Wizard 63 1 1/55
race construct Hallate's Seer 60 1 1/30
race beast Cave Maiden 59 1 1/46
race construct Freya's Servant 58 1 1/33
race giant Luminun 58 1 1/46
race construct Grave Lich 57 1 1/74
race animal Freya's White Bear 57 1 1/33
race construct Treasure Chest 57 1 1/46
race humanoid Fallen Orc 55 1 1/46
race dragon Marsh Drake 55 1 1/31
race undead Purgatory Invader Berserker 55 1 1/31
race demonic Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 55 1 1/46
race construct Grave Guard 54 1 1/46
race construct Deadly Ginzu Golem V 53 1 1/46
race demonic Kaim Vanul Lad 51 1 1/31
race undead Cruma Phantom 50 4 - 12 1/11
race giant Tarlk Bugbear Warrior 48 1 1/76
race construct Horrifying Cannon Golem I 48 1 1/47
race giant Tarlk Bugbear 47 1 1/47
race bug Trisalim Tarantula 46 1 1/133
race demonic Varangka's Dre Vanul 46 1 1/48
race beast Ancient Experiment 45 4 - 12 1/11
race animal Bloody Bat 45 1 1/48
race construct Carinkain 45 1 1/49
race humanoid Vanor Silenos 45 1 1/47
race humanoid Farhite Lad 44 1 1/50
race undead Dimension Invader Discipline 43 1 1/46
race humanoid Timak Orc Troop Warrior 43 1 1/47
race humanoid Tanor Silenos Grunt 42 1 1/46
race beast Mordeo 42 1 1/48
race humanoid Blade Stakato 41 1 1/46
race humanoid Taik Orc 40 1 1/49
race humanoid Catacomb Stakato Soldier 38 1 1/76
race animal Hatu Crimson Bear 38 1 1/104
race giant Ogre 38 1 1/115
race giant Ogre 38 1 1/115
race humanoid Lageos 38 1 1/48
race humanoid Dailaon 37 1 1/133
race demonic Vault Monk 37 1 1/48
race humanoid Crokian 36 1 1/118
race undead Rakul 35 1 1/31
race undead Otherworldly Invader Berserker 35 1 1/30
race undead Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier 35 1 1/30
race bug Ant Guard 35 1 1/31
race fairy Grave Sentinel 35 1 1/73
race animal Dread Wolf 35 1 1/37
race animal Dread Wolf 35 1 1/37
race animal Dead Seeker 34 1 1/30
race humanoid Bandit Undertaker 34 1 1/113
race undead Otherworldly Invader Shaman 33 1 1/34
race undead Otherworldly Invader Warrior 33 1 1/32
race undead Ghost of a Turka Chief 33 1 1/31
race undead Ghost of a Turka Chief 33 1 1/32
race construct Granite Golem 33 1 1/36
race humanoid Delu Lizardman Special Agent 33 1 1/32
race elemental Salamander Rowin 33 1 1/74
race humanoid Breka Orc Warrior 33 1 1/31
race bug Ant Overseer 32 1 1/30
race construct Watchman of the Plains 30 1 1/31
race elemental Lakin Salamander 30 1 1/61
race undead Skeleton Marauder 29 1 1/49
race humanoid Grave Robber Guard 29 1 1/32
race undead Neer Ghoul Berserker 29 1 1/35
race undead Roxide Cohort 29 1 1/114
race humanoid Turek Orc Skirmisher 28 1 1/30
race beast Basilisk 28 1 1/72
race undead Neer Crawler 28 1 1/34
race humanoid Underground Kobold Warrior 27 1 1/45
race humanoid Ol Mahum Raider 27 1 1/72
race construct Treasure Chest 27 1 1/49
race undead Grave Robber Scout 27 1 1/32
race humanoid Maille Lizardman Warrior 26 1 1/69
race bug Gray Ant 26 1 1/47
race demonic Baar Dre Vanul Destroyer 25 1 1/17
race humanoid Turek Orc Sentinel 25 1 1/13
race construct Monster Eye Gazer 25 1 1/13

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Triol's Layperson 78 1 37.27%
race beast Grazing Elder Buffalo 78 1 24.0694%
race undead Messenger Invader Soldier 78 1 36.4595%
race construct Messenger Invader Food 78 1 1/9
race humanoid Varka Silenos Footman 77 1 20.6884%
race demonic Vampire Soldier 71 1 1/7
race undead Dark Omen Invader Soldier 70 1 24.4215%
race divine Messenger Angel 70 1 87.5838%
race construct Guillotine's Ghost 67 1 1/7
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Berserker 65 1 21.6279%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 1 26.2919%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 1 34.8382%
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Warrior 63 1 1/6
race construct Freya's Servant 58 1 43.2576%
race undead Cruma Phantom 50 1 - 9 94.3019%
race humanoid Timak Orc Troop Warrior 43 1 1/17
race animal Hatu Crimson Bear 38 1 1/47
race undead Otherworldly Invader Elite Soldier 35 1 1/8
race humanoid Bandit Undertaker 34 1 1/36
race humanoid Underground Kobold Warrior 27 1 1/55
race construct Treasure Chest 27 1 1/79
race humanoid Enku Orc Shaman 20 1 1/81
race humanoid Maille Lizardman 20 1 1/206
race humanoid Shady Muertos Wizard 19 1 1/58
race undead Dark Terror 16 1 1/113
race construct Obsidian Golem 15 1 1/96

Success rate = 100%

icon etc_branch_gold_i00 10 Stem
icon etc_pouch_yellow_i00 10 Varnish
icon etc_lump_gray_i00 10 Iron Ore

Used for craft

icon weapon_flamberge_i00 Flamberge 100%
icon weapon_stormbringer_i00 Stormbringer 100%
icon weapon_big_hammer_i00 Big Hammer 100%
icon weapon_scythe_i00 Scythe 100%
icon weapon_battle_axe_i00 Battle Axe 100%
icon weapon_war_pick_i00 Silver Axe 100%
icon weapon_skull_graver_i00 Skull Graver 100%
icon weapon_heavy_doom_hammer_i00 Heavy Doom Hammer 100%
icon weapon_crystal_staff_i00 Crystal Staff 100%
icon weapon_stick_of_faith_i00 Stick of Faith 100%
icon weapon_heavy_doom_axe_i00 Heavy Doom Axe 100%
icon weapon_cursed_dagger_i00 Cursed Dagger 100%
icon weapon_needle_wolverine_i00 Wolverine Needle 100%
icon weapon_darkelven_dagger_i00 Dark Elven Dagger 100%
icon weapon_chakram_i00 Chakram 100%
icon weapon_crystallized_ice_bow_i00 Crystallized Ice Bow 100%
icon weapon_orcish_glaive_i00 Orcish Glaive 100%
icon weapon_body_slasher_i00 Body Slasher 100%
icon weapon_shamshir_i00 Shamshir 100%
icon weapon_katana_i00 Katana 100%
icon weapon_bech_de_corbin_i00 Bec de Corbin 100%
icon weapon_spirits_sword_i00 Spirit Sword 100%
icon weapon_raid_sword_i00 Raid Sword 100%
icon weapon_cursed_staff_i00 Cursed Staff 100%
icon weapon_stiletto_i00 Stiletto 100%
icon weapon_dagger_of_magicflame_i00 Soulfire Dirk 100%
icon weapon_elemental_bow_i00 Elemental Bow 100%
icon weapon_noble_elven_bow_i00 Noble Elven Bow 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Tears of Fairy 100%
icon weapon_horn_of_glory_i00 Horn of Glory 100%
icon weapon_caliburs_i00 Caliburs 100%
icon weapon_sword_of_delusion_i00 Sword of Delusion 100%
icon weapon_tsurugi_i00 Tsurugi 100%
icon weapon_homunkuluss_sword_i00 Homunkulus's Sword 100%
icon weapon_poleaxe_i00 Poleaxe 100%
icon weapon_sword_of_limit_i00 Sword of Limit 100%
icon weapon_sword_of_nightmare_i00 Sword of Nightmare 100%
icon weapon_deathbreath_sword_i00 Sword of Whispering Death 100%
icon weapon_war_axe_i00 War Axe 100%
icon weapon_nirvana_axe_i00 Nirvana Axe 100%
icon weapon_stick_of_eternity_i00 Stick of Eternity 100%
icon weapon_paradia_staff_i00 Paradia Staff 100%
icon weapon_inferno_staff_i00 Inferno Staff 100%
icon weapon_paagrio_hammer_i00 Pa'agrian Hammer 100%
icon weapon_sages_staff_i00 Sage's Staff 100%
icon weapon_club_of_nature_i00 Club of Nature 100%
icon weapon_mace_of_underworld_i00 Mace of Underworld 100%
icon weapon_grace_dagger_i00 Grace Dagger 100%
icon weapon_dark_screamer_i00 Dark Screamer 100%
icon weapon_fist_blade_i00 Fisted Blade 100%
icon weapon_akat_long_bow_i00 Akat Long Bow 100%
icon weapon_heathens_book_i00 Heathen's Book 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Hex Doll 100%
icon weapon_paagrio_axe_i00 Pa'agrian Axe 100%
icon weapon_scorpion_i00 Scorpion 100%
icon weapon_widow_maker_i00 Widow Maker 100%
icon weapon_samurai_longsword_i00 Samurai Longsword 100%
icon weapon_deadmans_staff_i00 Deadman's Staff 100%
icon weapon_ghouls_staff_i00 Ghoul's Staff 100%
icon weapon_demons_staff_i00 Demon's Staff 100%
icon weapon_crystal_dagger_i00 Crystal Dagger 100%
icon weapon_great_pata_i00 Great Pata 100%
icon weapon_eminence_bow_i00 Eminence Bow 100%
icon weapon_orcish_poleaxe_i00 Orcish Poleaxe 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Candle of Wisdom 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Blessed Branch 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Phoenix Feather 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Cerberus Eye 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Scroll of Destruction 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Claws of Black Dragon 100%
icon weapon_apprentices_spellbook_i00 Three Eyed Crow's Feather 100%
icon weapon_dwarven_warhammer_i00 Dwarven War Hammer 100%
icon weapon_yaksa_mace_i00 Yaksa Mace 100%
icon weapon_berserker_blade_i00 Berserker Blade 100%
icon weapon_sword_of_paagrio_i00 Pa'agrian Sword 100%
icon weapon_horn_of_karik_i00 Karik Horn 100%
icon weapon_mystery_sword_i00 Mysterious Sword 100%
icon weapon_sword_of_eclipse_i00 Ecliptic Sword 100%
icon weapon_eclipse_axe_i00 Ecliptic Axe 100%
icon weapon_dwarven_hammer_i00 Dwarven Hammer 100%