Silver Arrow High Five

A steel arrow plated with silver.

Item ID 1343
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_silver_quiver_i00 icon.etc_silver_quiver_i00
default_action EQUIP
etcitem_type ARROW
bodypart lhand
immediate_effect true
crystal_type B
material SILVER
weight 4
price 7
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race humanoid Bone Grinder 70 30 - 90 22.8875%
race undead Dark Omen Invader Soldier 70 30 - 90 1/5
race undead Dark Omen Invader Martyrs 70 20 - 60 23.9515%
race humanoid Splinter Stakato Drone 70 20 - 60 26.3056%
race undead Requiem Behemoth 70 10 - 30 31.8052%
race humanoid Bone Grinder 70 10 - 30 35.4225%
race construct Ghost of Guillotine 70 10 - 30 32.8383%
race construct Ghost of Guillotine 70 10 - 30 32.8383%
race construct Dark Omen Invader Food 70 10 - 30 31.782%
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 560 - 1680 1/7
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 30 - 90 43.7896%
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 30 - 90 22.7345%
race humanoid Splinter Stakato Drone 69 20 - 60 1/5
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 10 - 30 32.8383%
race undead Ghost of Rebellion Soldier 69 10 - 30 79.4018%
race beast Alpine Cougar 69 10 - 30 32.8762%
race undead Heathen Knight 69 10 - 30 39.9371%
race bug Atrox 69 10 - 30 42.7007%
race humanoid Requiem Lord 68 20 - 60 1/5
race animal Devil Bat 68 10 - 30 39.89%
race undead Heathen Grunt 68 10 - 30 39.9432%
race animal Alpine Grendel 68 10 - 30 33.0801%
race humanoid Skull Animator 68 10 - 30 35.333%
race animal Devil Bat 68 10 - 30 39.89%
race humanoid Frenzy Stakato Soldier 68 10 - 30 44.0665%
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 80 - 240 1/7
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 20 - 60 28.945%
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 20 - 60 30.7502%
race divine Wailing of Splendor 67 10 - 30 44.9445%
race undead Requiem Behemoth 67 10 - 30 31.1012%
race undead Heathen Archer 67 10 - 30 38.6104%
race divine Wailing of Splendor 67 10 - 30 91.4594%
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 10 - 30 44.9445%
race humanoid Splinter Stakato Worker 67 10 - 30 31.1247%
race beast Kookaburra 67 10 - 30 26.0123%
race undead Sacrificed Man 67 10 - 30 36.9793%
race beast Alpine Buffalo 67 10 - 30 38.6467%
race beast Kookaburra 67 10 - 30 26.0123%
race humanoid Bone Collector 67 10 - 30 32.5873%
race beast Kookaburra 67 10 - 30 26.0123%
race undead Resurrected Guard 66 10 - 30 54.2113%
race humanoid Bone Snatcher 66 10 - 30 66.7069%
race humanoid Bone Snatcher 66 10 - 30 66.7069%
race humanoid Bone Maker 66 10 - 30 31.7833%
race divine Judge of Fire 66 10 - 30 27.5431%
race undead Resurrected Guard 66 10 - 30 54.2113%
race divine Signet of Splendor 66 10 - 30 66.5989%
race undead Heathen Executed 66 10 - 30 1/5
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 65 100 - 300 1/8
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 30 - 90 1/6
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 30 - 90 43.6568%
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 65 20 - 60 25.5944%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 10 - 30 44.0277%
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Berserker 65 10 - 30 44.0213%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 10 - 30 32.5056%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 10 - 30 54.0346%
race divine Alliance of Splendor 65 10 - 30 44.9043%
race animal Alliance of Splendor 65 10 - 30 44.9043%
race beast Alpine Kookaburra 65 10 - 30 44.0213%
race divine Punishment of Splendor 64 10 - 30 66.4097%
race demonic Bloody Ghost 64 10 - 30 32.8355%
race divine Punishment of Splendor 64 10 - 30 32.8455%
race humanoid Raider of Pastureland 64 10 - 30 43.9294%
race demonic Elmoradan's Maid 64 10 - 30 39.738%
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Warrior 63 80 - 240 1/7
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Shaman 63 30 - 90 1/6
race giant Lesser Giant Shooter 63 20 - 60 23.5016%
race divine Pilgrim of Splendor 63 10 - 30 39.8048%
race divine Anger of Splendor 63 10 - 30 44.8907%
race humanoid Raider of Pastureland 63 10 - 30 33.051%
race animal Anger of Splendor 63 10 - 30 44.8907%
race humanoid Raider of Pastureland 63 10 - 30 33.051%
race undead Resurrected Knight 63 10 - 30 33.8804%
race undead Forbidden Path Invader Disciple 63 10 - 30 38.6152%
race demonic Bathin's Wizard 62 20 - 60 1/5
race divine Disciple of Pilgrim 62 10 - 30 31.0988%
race giant Lost Yeti 62 10 - 30 38.5951%
race undead Spiteful Soul Fighter 62 10 - 30 32.5494%
race demonic Purgatory Shadow 61 20 - 60 23.8748%
race divine Blade of Splendor 61 20 - 60 1/8
race divine Blade of Splendor 61 10 - 30 91.5309%
race animal Ursus Cub 61 10 - 30 38.539%
race elemental Ice Fairy Sirra 60 100 - 200 100%
race demonic Lilim Seer 60 20 - 60 41.9215%
race divine Nephilim Bishop 60 20 - 60 41.9215%
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Elite Soldier 60 10 - 30 35.2307%
race beast Lost Buffalo 60 10 - 30 32.786%
race undead Sepulcher Guardian 60 10 - 30 91.4298%
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Priest 60 10 - 30 32.9051%
race demonic Forbidden Path Invader Soldier 60 10 - 30 39.59%
race construct Beast Seer 59 20 - 60 23.8728%
race humanoid Hatar Ratman Boss 48 10 - 30 43.9596%
race humanoid Hatar Ratman Thief 47 10 - 30 29.5786%

Success rate = 100%

icon etc_braided_hemp_i00 1 Braided Hemp
icon etc_silver_i00 5 Silver Nugget