Cursed Dagger High Five

Bestows one of the following functions: Critical Bleed, Critical Poison or Rsk. Haste.

Item ID 226
Type Weapon
icon icon weapon_cursed_dagger_i00 icon.weapon_cursed_dagger_i00
default_action EQUIP
weapon_type DAGGER
bodypart rhand
random_damage 5
attack_range 40
damage_range 0;0;40;120
immediate_effect true
crystal_count 705
crystal_type C
material MITHRIL
weight 1040
price 1762900
soulshots 2
spiritshots 2
enchant_enabled 1

NPC Level Count Chance
race undead Decayed Ancient Pikeman 46 1 1/142
race undead Unpleasant Shout 46 1 1/142
race construct Probe Golem Prodigy IV 46 1 1/142
race construct Ancient Experiment 45 1 1/142
race beast Kertang's Messenger 45 1 1/142
race humanoid Shaman King Selu 40 1 1/8
race humanoid Lizardmen Leader Hellion 38 1 1/15

Success rate = 100%

icon etc_sword_body_i00 8 Cursed Dagger Blade
icon etc_artisans_frame_i00 2 Artisan's Frame
icon etc_lump_white_i00 25 Mithril Alloy
icon etc_synthetic_cokes_i00 25 Synthetic Cokes
icon etc_plate_blue_i00 50 Metal Hardener
icon etc_crystal_blue_i00 700 Crystal (D-Grade)
icon etc_crystal_ball_green_i00 81 Gemstone C