Mid-Grade Life Stone - Level 80 High Five

A mid-grade mineral that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. May be used as an ingredient in weapon crafting by characters above level 80.

Item ID 9574
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_mineral_special_i03 icon.etc_mineral_special_i03
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 2
price 115200
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race animal Young Grendel 84 1 1/193
race humanoid Mucrokian Preacher 84 1 1/69
race demonic Mutant Shaman 84 1 1/52
race undead Mutant Overlord 84 1 1/189
race humanoid Awakened Mucrokian 84 1 1/73
race demonic Mutant Warrior 84 1 1/84
race undead Mutant Soldier 84 1 1/80
race demonic Mutant Healer 84 1 1/77
race undead Mutant Soldier 84 1 1/189
race construct Exterminator 84 1 1/164
race demonic Mutant Guide 84 1 1/52
race demonic Mutant Disciple 84 1 1/43
race undead Mutant Destroyer 84 1 1/79
race beast Baby Alpine Buffalo 84 1 1/7
race demonic Mutant Elite Soldier 84 1 1/60
race elemental Guardian Waterspirit 84 1 1/164
race undead Mutant Assassin 84 1 1/159
race beast Young Buffalo 84 1 1/193
race humanoid Mucrokian Savior 84 1 1/69
race animal Baby Alpine Grendel 84 1 1/7
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Soldier 83 1 1/69
race divine Solina Knights 83 1 1/162
race humanoid Contaminated Mucrokian 83 1 1/548
race beast Baby Alpine Kookaburra 83 1 1/5
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Drone 83 1 1/69
race construct Chrysocolla 83 1 1/194
race humanoid Male Spiked Stakato 83 1 1/111
race beast Young Kookaburra 83 1 1/189
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Captain 83 1 1/69
race construct Suppressor 83 1 1/164
race beast Baby Alpine Cougar 83 1 1/5
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Nurse 83 1 1/159
race beast Young Cougar 83 1 1/189
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Nurse 83 1 1/160
race demonic Sentinel Waterspirit 83 1 1/73
race humanoid Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 83 1 1/215
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Shaman 83 1 1/159
race humanoid Cannibalistic Stakato Leader 83 1 1/159
race construct Tourmaline 82 1 1/194
race dragon Mesmer Drake 82 1 1/166
race humanoid Female Spiked Stakato 82 1 1/215
race demonic Nihil Invader Disciple 82 1 1/111
race humanoid Dark Shaman Varangka 82 1 1/8
race beast Sonneratia 82 1 1/194
race humanoid Ragna Orc Commander 82 1 1/164
race demonic Weylin 82 1 1/160
race undead Immortal Necromancer 82 1 1/166
race giant Lesser Giant Shooter 82 1 1/79
race humanoid Male Spiked Stakato 82 1 1/215
race demonic Nihil Invader Elite Soldier 82 1 1/77
race elemental Guardian of the Emerald 82 1 1/204
race humanoid Contaminated Batur Commander 82 1 1/210
race undead Necromancer of the Valley 82 1 1/193
race giant Lesser Giant Scout 82 1 1/79
race demonic Evil Spirits of the Mine 82 1 1/69
race demonic Water Dragon Detractor 82 1 1/2227
race humanoid Ragna Orc Seer 82 1 1/159
race construct Kechi's Captain 82 1 1/164
race undead Turka Follower's Ghost 82 1 1/210
race giant Lesser Giant Mage 82 1 1/52
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Sorcerer 82 1 1/164
race bug Mine Bug 82 1 1/159
race demonic Beleth's Minion 82 1 1/189
race demonic Nihil Invader Shaman 82 1 1/128
race giant Lesser Giant Elder 82 1 1/52
race humanoid Cannibalistic Stakato Follower 82 1 1/73
race bug Earthworm's Descendant 82 1 1/548
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Baby 82 1 1/189
race construct Rodo Knight 82 1 1/74
race humanoid Ragna Orc Sniper 82 1 1/69
race etc Maluk Summoner of the Valley 82 1 1/166
race humanoid Spiked Stakato 82 1 1/223
race undead Nihil Invader Archer 82 1 1/107
race giant Barif 82 1 1/159
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Worker 82 1 1/159
race undead Nihil Invader Soldier 82 1 1/164
race humanoid Ragna Orc Warrior 82 1 1/73
race animal Plaza Helm 82 1 1/722
race demonic Varangka's Destroyer 82 1 1/189
race humanoid Spiked Stakato Guard 82 1 1/159
race undead Nihil Invader Soldier 82 1 1/164
race humanoid Ragna Orc Hero 82 1 1/164
race humanoid Contaminated Morek Warrior 81 1 1/189
race giant Lesser Giant Soldier 81 1 1/79
race construct Leogul 81 1 1/69
race humanoid Ragna Orc Healer 81 1 1/457
race humanoid Contaminated Batur Warrior 81 1 1/189
race humanoid Ragna Orc Shaman 81 1 1/159
race etc Howl 81 1 1/215
race construct Gatekeeper of the Square 81 1 1/913
race humanoid Ragna Orc Archer 81 1 1/69
race etc Maluk Maiden of the Valley 81 1 1/166
race undead Remnant Wraith 81 1 1/159
race humanoid Ragna Orc 81 1 1/164
race humanoid Grave Robber Warrior 81 1 1/159
race humanoid Chromatic Detainee 81 1 1/932
race demonic Varangka's Dre Vanul 81 1 1/189
race undead Exploding Orc Ghost 81 1 1/166
race construct Barif's Pet 81 1 1/69
race undead Wrathful Orc Ghost 81 1 1/196
race giant Lesser Giant 81 1 1/79
race construct Gamlin 81 1 1/159
race elemental Naiad 81 1 1/194
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race beast Tyrannosaurus 80 1 1/30
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race beast Velociraptor 80 1 1/159
race animal Cursed Lord 80 1 1/159
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race undead Drakos 80 1 1/12
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Velociraptor 80 1 1/159
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Pachycephalosaurus 80 1 1/159
race beast Velociraptor 80 1 1/159
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Deinonychus 80 1 1/159
race beast Velociraptor 80 1 1/159
race beast Tyrannosaurus 80 1 1/30
race beast Ornithomimus 80 1 1/159
race beast Pterosaur 80 1 1/159
race beast Tyrannosaurus 80 1 1/30
race elemental Blazing Ifrit 78 1 1/164
race construct Elder Lavasaurus 78 1 1/164
race animal Island Guardian 78 1 1/1681