Top-Grade Life Stone - Level 52 High Five

The highest-grade mineral available that has been petrified by a creature's physical or magical damage. Key component used in weapon Augmentation by characters level 52 and above.

Item ID 8755
Type EtcItem
icon icon etc_mineral_unique_i00 icon.etc_mineral_unique_i00
immediate_effect true
material LIQUID
weight 2
price 1440000
is_stackable true

NPC Level Count Chance
race giant Sanhidro 52 1 1/30303
race demonic Crypt Inquisitor 52 1 1/13158
race elemental Liele Elder 52 1 1/22222
race undead Pirate Zombie Captain 52 1 1/22222
race construct Epic Cannon Golem Adjunct 52 1 1/2933
race undead Zombie Captain's Spiritual Body 52 1 1/14085
race construct Hunter Gargoyle 52 1 1/21739
race humanoid Harit Lizardman Archer 52 1 1/50000
race construct Horrifying Cannon Golem 52 1 1/15625
race undead Cruel Punisher 52 1 1/22222
race construct Horrifying Jackhammer Golem 52 1 1/16949
race undead Pirate Zombie Captain 52 1 1/22222
race demonic Sepulcher Inquisitor 52 1 1/25641
race humanoid Taik Orc Seeker 52 1 1/15625
race construct Ginzu Golem Prodigy X 52 1 1/12346
race undead Pirate Zombie Captain 52 1 1/22222
race construct Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem II 52 1 1/11236
race construct Horrifying Excavator Golem III 51 1 1/37037
race construct Treasure Chest 51 1 1/29412
race undead Royal Cave Servant 51 1 1/30303
race humanoid Harit Lizardman Grunt 51 1 1/22222
race construct Bloodthirsty Ginzu Golem VII 51 1 1/10989
race undead Soldier of Grief 51 1 1/21739
race demonic Kaim Vanul 51 1 1/21739
race construct Horrifying Cannon Golem III 51 1 1/14286
race demonic Kaim Vanul 51 1 1/21739
race beast Elder Tarlk Basilisk 51 1 1/25000
race demonic Kaim Vanul 51 1 1/21739
race humanoid Taik Orc Supply 51 1 1/16129
race demonic Kaim Vanul Lad 51 1 1/8929
race elemental Fline Elder 51 1 1/16129
race construct Core 50 1 - 2 1/20
race fairy Orfen 50 1 - 2 1/20
race undead Death Knight 50 1 1/15873
race bug Spelunking Ant 50 1 1/20833
race humanoid Vanor Silenos Chieftain 50 1 1/12500
race demonic Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 50 1 1/1094
race undead Garden Guard Leader 50 1 1/1466
race undead Headless Knight 50 1 1/13158
race humanoid Ol Mahum Transcender 50 1 1/24390
race humanoid Harit Lizardman 50 1 1/18868
race undead Dark Lord 50 1 1/26316
race demonic Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 50 1 1/1160
race undead Spiteful Ghost of Ruins 50 1 1/30303
race undead Zaken's Guard 50 1 1/12821
race demonic Purgatory Invader Soldier 50 1 1/20408
race undead Doll Master 50 1 1/3040
race humanoid Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 1 1/21277
race undead Zaken's Guard 50 1 1/12821
race demonic Purgatory Invader Priest 50 1 1/14286
race undead Zaken's Royal Guard 50 1 1/12821
race humanoid Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 1 1/21277
race beast Tarlk Basilisk 50 1 1/33333
race construct Deprive 50 1 1/25000
race demonic Purgatory Invader Martyrs 50 1 1/18868
race humanoid Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 1 1/22727
race undead Decayed Ancient Knight 50 1 1/16129
race demonic Purgatory Invader Soldier 50 1 1/3135
race humanoid Tanor Silenos Chieftain 50 1 1/16129
race humanoid Ragna Orc Sorcerer 50 1 1/21277
race plant Forest Runner 50 1 1/23810
race construct Purgatory Invader Food 50 1 1/29412
race humanoid Cadeine 50 1 1/22222
race undead Crypt Archon 50 1 1/16949
race construct Tairim 50 1 1/20408
race demonic Purgatory Invader Elite Soldier 50 1 1/15625